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# # KycCheck

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**data_required** | **string** | The enumeration value returned in this field categorizes the type of details needed for the KYC check. More information about the check is shown in the <b>detailMessage</b> and other applicable, corresponding fields. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional]
**due_date** | **string** | The timestamp in this field indicates the date by which the seller should resolve the KYC requirement.<br><br>The timestamp in this field uses the UTC date and time format described in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ISO 8601 Standard</a>. See below for this format and an example: <br><br><i>MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS</i><br/><code>06-05-2020 10:34:18</code> | [optional]
**remedy_url** | **string** | If applicable and available, a URL will be returned in this field, and the link will take the seller to an eBay page where they can provide the requested information. | [optional]
**alert** | **string** | This field gives a short summary of what is required from the seller. An example might be, '<code>Upload bank document now.</code>'. The <b>detailMessage</b> field will often provide more details on what is required of the seller. | [optional]
**detail_message** | **string** | This field gives a detailed message about what is required from the seller. An example might be, '<code>Please upload a bank document by 2020-08-01 to get your account back in good standing.</code>'. | [optional]

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