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# # RegionSet

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**region_excluded** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Account\V1\Model\Region[]**]( | An array of one or more <b>regionName</b> values that specify the areas to where a seller does not ship. A <b>regionExcluded</b> list should only be set in the top-level <b>shipToLocations</b> container and not within the <b>shippingServices.shipToLocations</b> container used to specify which shipping regions are serviced by each available shipping service option. <p>Many sellers are willing to ship to many international locations, but they may want to exclude some world regions or some countries as places they are willing to ship to.<br/><br/>This array will be returned as empty if no shipping regions are excluded with the fulfillment business policy.<br /> <br /><span class=\"tablenote\"><b>Note: </b> The <b>regionExcluded</b> array is not applicable for motor vehicle business policies on the US, CA, or UK marketplaces. If this array is used in a <b>createFulfillmentPolicy</b> or <b>updateFulfillmentPolicy</b> request, it will be ignored.</span> | [optional]
**region_included** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Account\V1\Model\Region[]**]( | An array of one or more <b>regionName</b> fields that specify the areas to where a seller ships. <br />Each eBay marketplace supports its own set of allowable shipping locations.<br /> <br /><span class=\"tablenote\"><b>Note: </b> The <b>regionIncluded</b> array is not applicable for motor vehicle business policies on the US, CA, or UK marketplaces. If this array is used in a <b>createFulfillmentPolicy</b> or <b>updateFulfillmentPolicy</b> request, it will be ignored.</span> | [optional]

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