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# # ReturnPolicy

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**category_types** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Account\V1\Model\CategoryType[]**]( | This container indicates which category group that the return policy applies to.<br/><br/><span class=\"tablenote\"><b>Note</b>: Return business policies are not applicable to motor vehicle listings, so the <b></b> value will always be <code>ALL_EXCLUDING_MOTORS_VEHICLES</code> for return business policies.</span> | [optional]
**description** | **string** | A seller-defined description of the return business policy. This description is only for the seller's use, and is not exposed on any eBay pages.  <br/><br/><b>Max length</b>: 250 | [optional]
**extended_holiday_returns_offered** | **bool** | <p class=\"tablenote\"><span  style=\"color: #dd1e31;\"><b>Important!</b></span> This field is deprecated, since eBay no longer supports extended holiday returns. Any value supplied in this field is neither read nor returned.</p> | [optional]
**international_override** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Account\V1\Model\InternationalReturnOverrideType**]( |  | [optional]
**marketplace_id** | **string** | The ID of the eBay marketplace to which this return business policy applies. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional]
**name** | **string** | A seller-defined name for this payment business policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same marketplace.<br /><br /><b>Max length:</b> 64 | [optional]
**refund_method** | **string** | If a seller indicates that they will accept buyer returns, this value will be set to <code>MONEY_BACK</code>. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional]
**restocking_fee_percentage** | **string** | <p class=\"tablenote\"><span  style=\"color: #dd1e31;\"><b>Important!</b></span> This field is deprecated, since eBay no longer allows sellers to charge a restocking fee for buyer remorse returns. If this field is included, it is ignored and it is no longer returned.</p> | [optional]
**return_instructions** | **string** | This text-based field provides more details on seller-specified return instructions. This field is only returned if set for the return business policy. <p class=\"tablenote\"><span  style=\"color: #dd1e31;\"><b>Important!</b></span> This field is no longer supported on many eBay marketplaces. To see if a marketplace and eBay category does support this field, call <a href=\"/api-docs/sell/metadata/resources/marketplace/methods/getReturnPolicies\">getReturnPolicies</a> method of the <b>Metadata API</b>. Then you will look for the <b>policyDescriptionEnabled</b> field with a value of <code>true</code> for the eBay category.</span></p><br/><b>Max length</b>: 5000 (8000 for DE) | [optional]
**return_method** | **string** | This field is only returned if the seller is willing to offer a replacement item as an alternative to 'Money Back'. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional]
**return_period** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Account\V1\Model\TimeDuration**]( |  | [optional]
**return_policy_id** | **string** | A unique eBay-assigned ID for a return business policy. This ID is generated when the policy is created. | [optional]
**returns_accepted** | **bool** | If this field is returned as <code>true</code>, the seller accepts returns. <br/><br/><span class=\"tablenote\"><strong>Note:</strong>Top-Rated sellers must accept item returns and the <b>handlingTime</b> should be set to zero days or one day for a listing to receive a Top-Rated Plus badge on the View Item or search result pages. For more information on eBay's Top-Rated seller program, see <a href=\" \">Becoming a Top Rated Seller and qualifying for Top Rated Plus benefits</a>.</span> | [optional]
**return_shipping_cost_payer** | **string** | This field indicates who is responsible for paying for the shipping charges for returned items. The field can be set to either <code>BUYER</code> or <code>SELLER</code>.  <br/><br/>Depending on the return policy and specifics of the return, either the buyer or the seller can be responsible for the return shipping costs. Note that the seller is always responsible for return shipping costs for SNAD-related issues. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional]

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