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# # SalesTax

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**country_code** | **string** | The country code enumeration value identifies the country to which this sales tax rate applies. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional]
**sales_tax_jurisdiction_id** | **string** | A unique ID that identifies the sales tax jurisdiction to which the salest tax rate applies (for example, a state within the United States). | [optional]
**sales_tax_percentage** | **string** | The sales tax rate that will be applied to sales price. The <b>shippingAndHandlingTaxed</b> value will indicate whether or not sales tax is also applied to shipping and handling charges<br><br>Although it is a string, a percentage value is returned here, such as <code>7.75</code> | [optional]
**shipping_and_handling_taxed** | **bool** | If returned as <code>true</code>, sales tax is also applied to shipping and handling charges, and not just the total sales price of the order. | [optional]

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