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# # ShippingService

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**additional_shipping_cost** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Account\V1\Model\Amount**]( |  | [optional]
**buyer_responsible_for_pickup** | **bool** | This field should be included and set to <code>true</code> for a motor vehicle listing if it will be the buyer's responsibility to pick up the purchased motor vehicle after full payment is made. <br /><br />This field is only applicable to motor vehicle listings. In the majority of motor vehicle listings, the seller does make the buyer responsible for pickup or shipment of the vehicle. <br/><br/>This field is returned if set.<br/><br/><b>Default</b>: false | [optional]
**buyer_responsible_for_shipping** | **bool** | This field should be included and set to <code>true</code> for a motor vehicle listing if it will be the buyer's responsibility to arrange for shipment of a purchased motor vehicle after full payment is made. <br /><br />This field is only applicable to motor vehicle listings. In the majority of motor vehicle listings, the seller does make the buyer responsible for pickup or shipment of the vehicle. <br/><br/>This field is returned if set.<br/><br/><b>Default</b>: false | [optional]
**cash_on_delivery_fee** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Account\V1\Model\Amount**]( |  | [optional]
**free_shipping** | **bool** | This field is included and set to <code>true</code> if the seller offers a free shipping option to the buyer. <br /><br />This field can only be included and set to <code>true</code> for the first domestic shipping service option specified in the <b>shippingServices</b> container (it is ignored if set for subsequent shipping services or for any international shipping service option). <br /><br />The first specified shipping service option has a <b>sortOrder</b> value of <code>1</code> or if the <b>sortOrderId</b> field is not used, it is the shipping service option that's specified first in the <b>shippingServices</b> container.<br/><br/>This container is returned if set. | [optional]
**shipping_carrier_code** | **string** | This field sets/indicates the shipping carrier, such as <code>USPS</code>, <code>FedEx</code>, or <code>UPS</code>. Although this field uses the <b>string</b> type, the seller must pass in a pre-defined enumeration value here. <br /><br />For a full list of shipping carrier enum values for a specified eBay marketplace, the <b>GeteBayDetails</b> call of the <b>Trading API</b> can be used, and the <b>DetailName</b> field's value should be set to <code>ShippingCarrierDetails</code>. The enum values for each shipping carriers can be found in each <b>ShippingCarrierDetails.ShippingCarrier</b> field in the response payload.<br/><br/> This field is actually optional, as the shipping carrier is also tied into the <b>shippingServiceCode</b> enum value, and that field is required for every specified shipping service option.<br/><br/>This field is returned if set. | [optional]
**shipping_cost** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Account\V1\Model\Amount**]( |  | [optional]
**shipping_service_code** | **string** | This field sets/indicates the domestic or international shipping service option, such as <code>USPSPriority</code>, <code>FedEx2Day</code>, or <code>UPS3rdDay</code>. Although this field uses the <b>string</b> type, the seller must pass in a pre-defined enumeration value here. <br /><br />For a full list of shipping service option enum values for a specified eBay marketplace, the <b>GeteBayDetails</b> call of the <b>Trading API</b> can be used, and the <b>DetailName</b> field's value should be set to <code>ShippingServiceDetails</code>. <br /><br />The enum values for each shipping service option can be found in each <b>ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService</b> field in the response payload. The seller must make sure that the shipping service option is still valid, which is indicated by a <code>true</code> value in the corresponding <b>ValidForSellingFlow</b> boolean field. International shipping service options are typically returned at the top of the response payload, and are indicated by an <b>InternationalService</b> boolean field that reads <code>true</code>. <br /><br />The <b>InternationalService</b> boolean field is not returned at all for domestic shipping service options. <br/><br/> This field is required for every specified shipping service option.<br/><br/>This field is returned if set. | [optional]
**ship_to_locations** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Account\V1\Model\RegionSet**]( |  | [optional]
**sort_order** | **int** | The integer value set in this field controls the order of the corresponding domestic or international shipping service option in the View Item and Checkout pages. <br/><br/>Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (in four separate <b>shippingService</b> containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service option with a <b>sortOrder</b> value of <code>1</code> appears at the top of View Item and Checkout pages. Conversely, a shipping service option with a <b>sortOrder</b> value of <code>1</code> appears at the bottom of the list. <br/><br/>Sellers can specify up to five international shipping services (in five separate <b>shippingService</b> containers), so valid values for international shipping services are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Similarly to domestic shipping service options, the <b>sortOrder</b> value of a international shipping service option controls the placement of that shipping service option in the View Item and Checkout pages. <br/><br/>If the <b>sortOrder</b> field is not supplied, the order of domestic and international shipping service options is determined by the order in which they are listed in the API call. <br/><br/><b>Min</b>: 1. <b>Max</b>: 4 (for domestic shipping service) or 5 (for international shipping service). | [optional]
**surcharge** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Account\V1\Model\Amount**]( |  | [optional]

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