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# # CreateInventoryTaskRequest

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**schema_version** | **string** | The schemaVersion/version number of the file format (use the schema version of the API to which you are programming):<ul><li><a href=\"/api-docs/sell/static/lms-migration/lms-to-feed-version-details-schema-version.html\" target=\"_blank\">LMS Version Details / Schema Version</a></li><li><a href=\"/api-docs/sell/static/feed/fx-feeds-quick-reference.html#schema\" target=\"_blank\">Seller Hub feed schema version</a></li></ul> | [optional]
**feed_type** | **string** | The feed type associated with the inventory task you are about to create. Use a <strong>feedType</strong> that is available for your API. Presently, only one feed type is available:<ul><li><code>LMS_ACTIVE_INVENTORY_REPORT</code></li></ul><br/>See <a href=\"/api-docs/sell/static/feed/lms-feeds-quick-reference.html#merchant-data-reports-download-feed-types\" target=\"_blank\">Report download feed types</a> for more information. | [optional]
**filter_criteria** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Feed\V1\Model\InventoryFilterCriteria**]( |  | [optional]

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