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# # ScheduleTemplateCollection

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**href** | **string** | The path to the call URI that produced the current page of results. | [optional]
**limit** | **int** | The value of the <strong>limit</strong> parameter submitted in the request, which is the maximum number of schedule templates to return per page, from the result set. A result set is the complete set of schedule templates returned by the method. <p> <span class=\"tablenote\"><strong>Note:</strong> Though this parameter is not required to be submitted in the request, the parameter defaults to 10 if omitted.</span></p><p> <span class=\"tablenote\"><strong>Note:</strong> If this is the last or only page of the result set, the page may contain fewer tasks than the <strong>limit</strong> value. To determine the number of pages in a result set, divide the total value (total number of tasks matching input criteria) by this limit value, and then round up to the next integer. For example, if the <strong>total</strong> value was <code>120</code> (120 total tasks) and the <strong>limit</strong> value was <code>50</code> (show 50 tasks per page), the total number of pages in the result set is three, so the seller would have to make three separate <strong>getScheduleTemplates</strong> calls to view all tasks matching the input criteria.</span></p> | [optional]
**next** | **string** | The path to the call URI for the next page of results. This value is returned if there is an additional page of results to return from the result set. | [optional]
**offset** | **int** | The number of results skipped in the result set before listing the first returned result. This value can be set in the request with the <b>offset</b> query parameter. <p class=\"tablenote\"><strong>Note: </strong>The items in a paginated result set use a zero-based list where the first item in the list has an offset of <code>0</code>.</p> | [optional]
**prev** | **string** | The path to the call URI for the previous page of results. This is returned if there is a previous page of results from the result set. | [optional]
**schedule_templates** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Feed\V1\Model\ScheduleTemplateResponse[]**]( | An array of the schedule templates on this page. An empty array is returned if the filter criteria excludes all tasks. | [optional]
**total** | **int** | The total number of schedule templates that match the input criteria. | [optional]

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