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# # SupportedConfiguration

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**default_value** | **string** | The default value for the property. If a value is omitted from the schedule and a default value is supplied, the default value is used. | [optional]
**property** | **string** | Properties supported by the template. Properties can include the following: <ul><li><b>scheduleStartDate:</b> The timestamp that the report generation (subscription) begins. After this timestamp, the schedule status becomes active until either the scheduleEndDate occurs or the scheduleTemplate becomes inactive. Format: UTC <code>yyyy-MM-dd<strong>T</strong>HH<strong>Z</strong></code></li><li><b>scheduleEndDate:</b> The timestamp that the report generation (subscription) ends. After this date, the schedule status becomes INACTIVE. Format: UTC <code>yyyy-MM-dd<strong>T</strong>HH<strong>Z</strong></code></li><li><b>schemaVersion:</b> The schema version of the schedule templates feedType. This field is required if the feedType has a schema version.</li><li><b>preferredTriggerDayOfMonth:</b> The preferred day of the month to trigger the schedule. </li><li><b>preferredTriggerDayOfWeek:</b> The preferred day of the week to trigger the schedule. </li><li><b>preferredTriggerHour:</b> The preferred two-digit hour of the day to trigger the schedule. Format: UTC <code>hhZ</code></li><ul> | [optional]
**usage** | **string** | Whether the specified property is REQUIRED or OPTIONAL. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional]

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