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# # PayoutInstrument

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**account_last_four_digits** | **string** | This value is the last four digits of the account that the seller uses to receive the payout. This may be the last four digits of a bank account or of a payment processor account such as Payoneer. | [optional]
**instrument_type** | **string** | This value indicates the type of account that received the payout. The value returned in this field is <code>BANK</code> if the payout is going to a seller's bank account. Alternatively, the value can be the name of a digital wallet provider or payment processor such as <code>PAYONEER</code>. | [optional]
**nickname** | **string** | If the payout instrument type is a bank, this value is a seller-provided nickname that the seller uses to represent the bank account that receives the payout. If the payout instrument is a provider of digital wallet or payment processing services, the value returned is the name of the service provider (for example, 'PAYONEER'). | [optional]

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