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# # AppliedPromotion

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**description** | **string** | A description of the applied sales promotion. | [optional]
**discount_amount** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Fulfillment\V1\Model\Amount**]( |  | [optional]
**promotion_id** | **string** | An eBay-generated unique identifier of the sales promotion.<br/><br/> Multiple types of sales promotions are available to eBay Store owners, including order size/volume discounts, shipping discounts, special coupons, and price markdowns. Sales promotions can be managed through the Marketing tab of Seller Hub in My eBay, or by using the Trading API's <b>SetPromotionalSale</b> call or the Marketing API's <b>createItemPromotion</b> method. | [optional]

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