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# # LegacyReference

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**legacy_item_id** | **string** | The unique identifier of a listing in legacy/Trading API format. <br/><br/><span class=\"tablenote\"><strong>Note:</strong> Both <b>legacyItemId</b> and <b>legacyTransactionId</b> are needed to identify an order line item. </span> | [optional]
**legacy_transaction_id** | **string** | The unique identifier of a sale/transaction in legacy/Trading API format. A 'transaction ID' is created once a buyer purchases a 'Buy It Now' item or if an auction listing ends with a winning bidder. <br/><br/><span class=\"tablenote\"><strong>Note:</strong> Both <b>legacyItemId</b> and <b>legacyTransactionId</b> are needed to identify an order line item. </span> | [optional]

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