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# # Phone

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**country_code** | **string** | The seller's country calling code. This field is needed if the buyer is located in a different country than the seller. It is also OK to provide if the buyer and seller are both located in the same country. For a full list of calling codes for all countries, see the <a href=\"\"  target=\"_blank\"></a> site. | [optional]
**number** | **string** | The seller's primary phone number associated with the return address. When this number is provided in a <strong>contestPaymentDispute</strong> or <strong>contestPaymentDispute</strong> method, it is provided as one continuous numeric string, including the area code. So, if the phone number's area code was '408', a number in this field may look something like this: <br><br><code>\"number\" : \"4088084356\"</code><br><br>If the buyer is located in a different country than the seller, the seller's country calling code will need to be specified in the <strong>countryCode</strong> field. | [optional]

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