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# # Specification

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**name** | **string** | This is the name of product variation aspect. Typically, for clothing, typical aspect names are <code>\"Size\"</code> and <code>\"Color\"</code>. Product variation aspects are not required immediately upon creating an inventory item group, but these aspects will be required before a multiple-variation listing containing this inventory item group is published. For each product variation aspect that is specified through the <strong>specifications</strong> container, one <strong>name</strong> value is required and two or more variations of this aspect are required through the <strong>values</strong> array.<br/><br/> <span class=\"tablenote\"> <strong>Note:</strong> Each member of the inventory item group should have these same aspect names specified through the <strong>product.aspects</strong> container when the inventory item is created with the <strong>createOrReplaceInventoryItem</strong> or <strong>bulkCreateOrReplaceInventoryItem</strong> call. </span><br/><strong>Max Length</strong>: 40 | [optional]
**values** | **string[]** | This is an array of values pertaining to the corresponding product variation aspect (specified in the <strong>name</strong> field). Below is a sample of how these values will appear under a <strong>specifications</strong> container: <br/> <pre><code>\"specifications\": [{<br/> \"name\": \"Size\",<br/> \"values\": [\"Small\",<br/> \"Medium\",<br/> \"Large\"]<br/> },<br/> { <br/> \"name\": \"Color\",<br/> \"values\": [\"Blue\",<br/> \"White\",<br/> \"Red\"] <br/> }] </pre></code><span class=\"tablenote\"> <strong>Note:</strong> Each member of the inventory item group should have these same aspect names, and each individual inventory item should have each variation of the product aspect values specified through the <strong>product.aspects</strong> container when the inventory item is created with the <strong>createOrReplaceInventoryItem</strong> or <strong>bulkCreateOrReplaceInventoryItem</strong> call. </span><br/><strong>Max Length</strong>: 50 | [optional]

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