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# # PurchasedRate

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**additional_options** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Logistics\V1\Model\AdditionalOption[]**]( | An list of additional, optional features that have been purchased for the shipment. | [optional]
**base_shipping_cost** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Logistics\V1\Model\Amount**]( |  | [optional]
**destination_time_zone** | **string** | The time zone of the destination according to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Time Zone Database</a>. For example, \"America/Los_Angeles\". | [optional]
**max_estimated_delivery_date** | **string** | A string value representing maximum (latest) estimated delivery time, formatted as an <a href=\"\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ISO 8601</a> string, which is based on the 24-hour Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock.  <br><br><b>Format:</b> <code>[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS].[SSS]Z</code> <br><b>Example:</b> <code>2018-08-20T07:09:00.000Z</code> | [optional]
**min_estimated_delivery_date** | **string** | A string value representing minimum (earliest) estimated delivery time, formatted as an <a href=\"\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ISO 8601</a>ISO 8601</a> UTC string. | [optional]
**pickup_networks** | **string[]** | A list of pickup networks compatible with the shipping service. | [optional]
**pickup_slot_id** | **string** | This unique eBay-assigned ID value is returned only if the shipment has been configured for a scheduled pickup. | [optional]
**pickup_type** | **string** | The type of pickup or drop off configured for the shipment. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional]
**rate_id** | **string** | The eBay-generated ID of the shipping rate that the seller has chosen to purchase for the shipment. | [optional]
**shipping_carrier_code** | **string** | The ID code for the carrier that was selected for the package shipment. | [optional]
**shipping_carrier_name** | **string** | The name of the shipping carrier. | [optional]
**shipping_quote_id** | **string** | The unique eBay-generated ID of the <i>shipping quote</i> from which the seller selected a shipping rate (<b>rateId</b>). | [optional]
**shipping_service_code** | **string** | String ID code for the shipping service selected for the package shipment. This is a service that the shipping carrier supplies. | [optional]
**shipping_service_name** | **string** | The name of the shipping service. | [optional]
**total_shipping_cost** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Sell\Logistics\V1\Model\Amount**]( |  | [optional]

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