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# CLI Miami
###### A colorful & feature-rich alternative to gets & puts for your command line app

Build a rich command line experience for your app. CLI Miami lets you easily display clear & colorful information to your user, and prompting your user to enter information with a clear and concise approach. Easily request arrays, hashes, booleans, integers, floats, ranges, symbols, and even multiple choice. Additionally provide validation rules like minimum and maximum length, or regexp matching.

#### Install
gem install cli_miami

# For the name-spaced methods & CliMiami::S.ay...
gem 'cli_miami'

# For the friendlier global methods & S.ay...
gem 'cli_miami', require: 'cli_miami/global'

#### S.ay
###### Display information to the user

###### `S.ay` accepts a string as the first argument for the text to show, followed by a variety of styling options
_* see Styling Options below_

S.ay 'Hello World', color: :red

If you want to mix styles on a single line, you can set newline to false

S.ay 'Hello ', color: :red, newline: false
S.ay 'World', color: :blue

###### Request information from the user

###### `` accepts the same styling options as `S.ay`
_* see Styling Options below_

There are 2 ways to handle the user's response.

# passing the response to a block... 'What is your name?', color: :yellow do |response|
  S.ay "Hello #{response}!", style: :bold

# returning the response through the `value` method
response = 'What is your name?', color: :yellow
S.ay "Hello #{response.value}!", style: :bold

###### `` accepts an additional :type option for requesting specific values

```ruby 'What is your age?', type: :number

#### Type Options

:list             # Prompt for multiple responses for a single request

:boolean          # Prompt for true/false response

:path             # Prompt for a local directory path

:number           # Prompt for an integer

:float            # Prompt for a decimal

:multiple_choice  # Prompt for values from a defined list of choices (see Validation Options below)

:object           # Prompt for key/value pairs

:range            # Prompt for a beginning and end numerical values

:string           # Prompt for text

:symbol           # Prompt for text that can convert to a proper ruby symbol

###### `` accepts additional validation options to further refine the user's response
_* validation options vary depending on the :type_

```ruby 'What is your age?', type: :number, min: 18, max: 99

#### Validation Options

  :min            # The least amount of responses allowed
  :max            # The most amount of responses allowed
  :value_options  # An optional hash of Type Options & Validation Options to be applied to each response

  'y'             # The allowed values to represent `true`

  'n'             # The allowed values to represent `false`

:path             # Must be a valid, existing path to a local file or folder

  :min            # The lowest numerical value allowed
  :max            # The highest numerical value allowed

  :choices        # An Array or Hash of allowed values to choose from
                  # ['option 1', 'option 2', 'option 3']
                  # { one: 'option 1', two: 'option 2', three: 'option 3' }
  :min            # The least amount of responses allowed
  :max            # The most amount of responses allowed

  :keys           # An Array of keys that require a response
  :min            # The least amount of key/value responses allowed
  :max            # The most amount of key/value responses allowed
  :value_options  # An optional hash of Type Options & Validation Options to be applied to each response value

  :min            # The smallest range of numerical values allowed
  :max            # The largest range of numerical values allowed

  :min            # The least amount of characters allowed
  :max            # The most amount of characters allowed
  :regexp         # A regular expression the response must match

  :min            # The least amount of characters allowed
  :max            # The most amount of characters allowed
  :regexp         # A regular expression the response must match

#### Styling Options
Both `S.ay` and `` suport the same styling options

color:      [symbol]             # See ansi color codes below
bgcolor:    [symbol]             # See ansi color codes below
style:      [symbol]             # See ansi style codes below. Can accept multiple styles as an array
justify:    [center|left|right]  # The type of justification to use
padding:    [integer]            # The maximum string size to justify text in
indent:     [integer]            # The number of characters to indent
newline:    [boolean]            # Set to true if you want a newline after the output

###### ANSI Color Codes


###### ANSI Style Codes

:negative   # Swap foreground color with background color

### Development & Testing

# clone repo
git clone
cd cli_miami

# install dependencies
bundle install

# run watcher for linting and tests
bundle exec guard
