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<h1 align="center">FelinePine</h1>

Type-wide **cat**egorized **log**ging.

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# Table of Contents

* [Introduction](#introduction)
   * [Requirements](#requirements)
   * [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage](#usage)
   * [Getting Started](#getting-started)
   * [Using the Loggable type](#using-the-loggable-type)
   * [Further Documentation](#further-documentation)
* [License](#license)

# Introduction

**FelinePine** provides an easy to use API for setting up logging and log categories across your architecture.

## Requirements 

**Apple Platforms**

- Xcode 14.3.1 or later
- Swift 5.8 or later
- macOS 12 or later deployment targets


- Ubuntu 18.04 or later
- Swift 5.8 or later

## Installation

Use the Swift Package Manager to install this library via the repository url:


Use version up to `1.0.0`.

# Usage

## Getting Started

Create a `LoggingSystem` which defines the categories:

public enum BushelLogging: LoggingSystem {
  public enum Category: String, CaseIterable {
    case library
    case data
    case view
    case machine
    case application
    case observation
    case market

The `Category` enum inside must have a `RawType` of `String`.
Additionally if you wish to take advantage of automatically created `Logger` object, 
then you should also have to implment `CaseIterable`.

Now to use your new `LoggingSystem` in any type:

1. Implement `Feline` and `Pine` 
2. Define your `LoggingSystem`
3. Define the `LoggingSystem.Category`

internal struct VirtualMachine: Loggable {
  internal typealias LoggingSystemType = BushelLogging

  internal static let loggingCategory: BushelLogging.Category = .machine
  func run () {
    Self.logger.debug("Starting Run")

## Using the `Loggable` type

You can simplify by using the `Loggable` protocol to create protocol to use throughout your codebase:

public protocol BushelLoggable: FelinePine.Loggable where Self.LoggingSystemType == BushelLogging {}

Now you can simply use the _new_ `Loggable` type:

internal struct VirtualMachine: BushelLoggable {
  internal static let loggingCategory: BushelLogging.Category = .machine
  func run () {
    Self.logger.debug("Starting Run")

## Further Documentation

Further documentation is available at [the Swift Package Index.](

# License 

This code is distributed under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE]( file for more info.