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 * Bright Nucleus Shortcode Component.
 * @package   BrightNucleus\Shortcode
 * @author    Alain Schlesser <>
 * @license   MIT
 * @link
 * @copyright 2015-2016 Alain Schlesser, Bright Nucleus

namespace BrightNucleus\Shortcode;

use BrightNucleus\Config\ConfigInterface;
use BrightNucleus\Config\ConfigTrait;
use BrightNucleus\Dependency\DependencyManagerInterface as DependencyManager;
use BrightNucleus\Exception\RuntimeException;
use BrightNucleus\Invoker\InstantiatorTrait;
use BrightNucleus\Shortcode\Exception\FailedToInstantiateObject;
use BrightNucleus\View\ViewBuilder;
use BrightNucleus\Views;
use Exception;

 * Shortcode Manager.
 * This class manages all the shortcodes that it gets passed within a
 * ConfigInterface.
 * @since   0.1.0
 * @package BrightNucleus\Shortcode
 * @author  Alain Schlesser <>
class ShortcodeManager implements ShortcodeManagerInterface {

    use ConfigTrait;
    use InstantiatorTrait;

     * The delimiter that is used to express key-subkey relations in the config.
    const CONFIG_SEPARATOR = '/';

     * Default classes that are used when omitted from the config.
    const DEFAULT_SHORTCODE             = 'BrightNucleus\Shortcode\Shortcode';
    const DEFAULT_SHORTCODE_ATTS_PARSER = 'BrightNucleus\Shortcode\ShortcodeAttsParser';
    const DEFAULT_SHORTCODE_UI          = 'BrightNucleus\Shortcode\ShortcodeUI';

     * The names of the configuration keys.
    const KEY_CUSTOM_ATTS_PARSER = 'custom_atts_parser';
    const KEY_CUSTOM_CLASS       = 'custom_class';
    const KEY_CUSTOM_UI          = 'custom_ui';
    const KEY_UI                 = 'ui';
     * Collection of ShortcodeInterface objects.
     * @since 0.1.0
     * @var ShortcodeInterface[]
    protected $shortcodes = [];

     * DependencyManagerInterface implementation.
     * @since 0.1.0
     * @var DependencyManager
    protected $dependencies;

     * View builder instance to use for rendering views.
     * @since 0.4.0
     * @var ViewBuilder
    protected $view_builder;

     * Collection of ShortcodeUIInterface objects.
     * @since 0.1.0
     * @var ShortcodeUIInterface[]
    protected $shortcode_uis = [];

     * External injector to use.
     * @var object
    protected $injector;

     * Instantiate a ShortcodeManager object.
     * @since 0.1.0
     * @since 0.4.0 Add optional $viewBuilder argument.
     * @param ConfigInterface        $config       Configuration to set up the
     *                                             shortcodes.
     * @param DependencyManager|null $dependencies Optional. Dependencies that
     *                                             are needed by the
     *                                             shortcodes.
     * @param ViewBuilder|null       $view_builder Optional. View builder
     *                                             instance to use for
     *                                             rendering views.
     * @throws RuntimeException If the config could not be processed.
    public function __construct(
        ConfigInterface $config,
        DependencyManager $dependencies = null,
        ViewBuilder $view_builder = null
    ) {
        $this->processConfig( $config );
        $this->dependencies = $dependencies;
        $this->view_builder = $view_builder ?? Views::getViewBuilder();

     * Use an external injector to instantiate the different classes.
     * The injector will
     * @param object $injector Injector to use.
    public function with_injector( $injector ) {
        if ( ! method_exists( $injector, 'make' ) ) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                'Invalid injector provided, it does not have a make() method.'

        $this->injector = $injector;

     * Initialize the Shortcode Manager.
     * @since 0.1.0
    protected function init_shortcodes() {
        foreach ( $this->getConfigKeys() as $tag ) {
            $this->init_shortcode( $tag );

     * Initialize a single shortcode.
     * @since 0.1.0
     * @param string $tag The tag of the shortcode to register.
     * @throws FailedToInstantiateObject If the Shortcode Atts Parser object
     *                                   could not be instantiated.
     * @throws FailedToInstantiateObject If the Shortcode object could not be
     *                                   instantiated.
    protected function init_shortcode( $tag ) {
        $shortcode_class       = $this->get_shortcode_class( $tag );
        $shortcode_atts_parser = $this->get_shortcode_atts_parser_class( $tag );

        $atts_parser = $this->instantiate(
            [ 'config' => $this->config->getSubConfig( $tag ) ]

        $this->shortcodes[] = $this->instantiate(
                'shortcode_tag' => $tag,
                'config'        => $this->config->getSubConfig( $tag ),
                'atts_parser'   => $atts_parser,
                'dependencies'  => $this->dependencies,
                'view_builder'  => $this->view_builder,

        if ( $this->hasConfigKey( $tag, self::KEY_UI ) ) {
            $this->init_shortcode_ui( $tag );

     * Get the class name of an implementation of the ShortcodeInterface.
     * @since 0.1.0
     * @param string $tag Shortcode tag to get the class for.
     * @return string Class name of the Shortcode.
    protected function get_shortcode_class( $tag ) {
        $shortcode_class = $this->hasConfigKey( $tag, self::KEY_CUSTOM_CLASS )
            ? $this->getConfigKey( $tag, self::KEY_CUSTOM_CLASS )
            : self::DEFAULT_SHORTCODE;

        return $shortcode_class;

     * Get the class name of an implementation of the
     * ShortcodeAttsParsersInterface.
     * @since 0.1.0
     * @param string $tag Shortcode tag to get the class for.
     * @return string Class name of the ShortcodeAttsParser.
    protected function get_shortcode_atts_parser_class( $tag ) {
        $atts_parser = $this->hasConfigKey( $tag, self::KEY_CUSTOM_ATTS_PARSER )
            ? $this->getConfigKey( $tag, self::KEY_CUSTOM_ATTS_PARSER )

        return $atts_parser;

     * Initialize the Shortcode UI for a single shortcode.
     * @since 0.1.0
     * @param string $tag                The tag of the shortcode to register
     *                                   the UI for.
     * @throws FailedToInstantiateObject If the Shortcode UI object could not
     *                                   be instantiated.
    protected function init_shortcode_ui( $tag ) {
        $shortcode_ui_class = $this->get_shortcode_ui_class( $tag );

        $this->shortcode_uis[] = $this->instantiate(
                'shortcode_tag' => $tag,
                'config'        => $this->config->getSubConfig( $tag, self::KEY_UI ),
                'dependencies'  => $this->dependencies,

     * Get the class name of an implementation of the ShortcodeUIInterface.
     * @since 0.1.0
     * @param string $tag Configuration settings.
     * @return string Class name of the ShortcodeUI.
    protected function get_shortcode_ui_class( $tag ) {
        $ui_class = $this->hasConfigKey( $tag, self::KEY_CUSTOM_UI )
            ? $this->getConfigKey( $tag, self::KEY_CUSTOM_UI )
            : self::DEFAULT_SHORTCODE_UI;

        return $ui_class;

     * Register all of the shortcode handlers.
     * @since 0.1.0
     * @param mixed $context Optional. Context information to pass to shortcode.
     * @return void
    public function register( $context = null ) {

        $context                  = $this->validate_context( $context );
        $context['page_template'] = $this->get_page_template();

        array_walk( $this->shortcodes,
            function ( ShortcodeInterface $shortcode ) use ( $context ) {
                $shortcode->register( $context );
            } );

        // This hook only gets fired when Shortcode UI plugin is active.
            [ $this, 'register_shortcode_ui', ]

     * Validate the context to make sure it is an array.
     * @since 0.2.3
     * @param mixed $context The context as passed in by WordPress.
     * @return array Validated context.
    protected function validate_context( $context ) {
        if ( is_string( $context ) ) {
            return [ 'wp_context' => $context ];

        return (array) $context;

     * Get the name of the page template.
     * @since 0.1.0
     * @return string Name of the page template.
    protected function get_page_template() {
        $template = str_replace(
            \trailingslashit( \get_stylesheet_directory() ),

        return $template;

     * Register the shortcode UI handlers.
     * @since 0.1.0
    public function register_shortcode_ui() {
        $template = $this->get_page_template();
        $context  = [ 'page_template' => $template ];

        array_walk( $this->shortcode_uis,
            function ( ShortcodeUIInterface $shortcode_ui ) use ( $context ) {
                $shortcode_ui->register( $context );

     * Execute a specific shortcode directly from code.
     * @since 0.2.4
     * @param string $tag     Tag of the shortcode to execute.
     * @param array  $atts    Array of attributes to pass to the shortcode.
     * @param null   $content Inner content to pass to the shortcode.
     * @return string|false Rendered HTML.
    public function do_tag( $tag, array $atts = [], $content = null ) {
        return \BrightNucleus\Shortcode\do_tag( $tag, $atts, $content );

     * Instantiate a new object through either a class name or a factory method.
     * @since 0.3.0
     * @param string          $interface Interface the object needs to
     *                                   implement.
     * @param callable|string $class     Fully qualified class name or factory
     *                                   method.
     * @param array           $args      Arguments passed to the constructor or
     *                                   factory method.
     * @return object Object that implements the interface.
     * @throws FailedToInstantiateObject If no valid object could be
     *                                   instantiated.
    protected function instantiate( $interface, $class, array $args ) {
        try {
            if ( is_callable( $class ) ) {
                $class = call_user_func_array( $class, $args );

            if ( is_string( $class ) ) {
                if ( null !== $this->injector ) {
                    $class = $this->injector->make( $class, $args );
                } else {
                    $class = $this->instantiateClass( $class, $args );
        } catch ( Exception $exception ) {
            throw FailedToInstantiateObject::fromFactory(

        if ( ! is_subclass_of( $class, $interface ) ) {
            throw FailedToInstantiateObject::fromInvalidObject(

        return $class;