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Brisket Response Object

The last parameter of every route handler is a Brisket response object - an environment agnostic set of tools for modifying the current response.

## Documentation Index

* [Accessing the Response Object](#accessing-the-response-object)
* [What's in the Response Object?](#whats-in-the-response-object)

## Accessing the Response Object

### Last parameter of a route handler

var BookRouter = Brisket.Router.extend({

  routes: {
    'books': 'books',
    'books/:id': 'book'

  books: function(layout, request, response) {
    response.status(201); // server will respond with 201

    return new BookView();

  book: function(id, layout, request, response) {
    var book = new Book({ id: id });

    response.status(204); // server will respond with 204

    return book.fetch()
      .then(function() {
        return new BookView({ model: book });


### Third parameter of onRouteStart callback

var Router = Brisket.Router.extend({

  onRouteStart: function(layout, request, response) {
    response.status(202); // current history will be replaced with 'another/route'


## What's in the Request Object?
Here is a listing of all the tools provided by the Brisket response object.

### response.status(statusCode)
Use this method to set the statusCode for the current response.

### response.set(field [, value])
Use this method to set the response's HTTP header `field` to `value`. You can set multiple values by passing an object.

response.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain');

  'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
  'Vary': 'Accept-Encoding',
  'ETag': '12345'

### response.redirect([statusCode, ] destination)
Use this method to redirect the current response to another uri. Example usage:

response.redirect(301, '');