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namespace Automatorm\Exception;

class Model extends BaseException
    public $code;
    public function __construct($code, $data = null, \Exception $previousException = null)
        $this->code = $code;
            $this->makeMessage($code, $data),
    private function makeMessage($code, $data)
        switch ($code) {
            case 'NO_GENERATED_SCHEMA':
                return 'NO_GENERATED_SCHEMA: Could not find a schema definition for namespace: ' . $data;
            case 'NO_SCHEMA':
                list($classOrTable, $normalised, $class) = $data;
                return 'NO_SCHEMA: Could not find a schema definition for this object (' . $classOrTable . '). Are you sure the classname and table are the same (case-insensitive). Otherwise, try calling Model::generate_schema(true) to refresh the schema cache.';
            case 'MODEL_DATA:SET_WHEN_LOCKED':
                list($column, $value) = $data;
                return 'MODEL_DATA:SET_WHEN_LOCKED: It appears you tried to assign a new value to the "'.$column.'" column directly on the $obj->_data object - Updates should be done via a call to $obj->db() instead!';
            case 'MODEL_DATA:CANNOT_CHANGE_ID':
                return 'MODEL_DATA:CANNOT_CHANGE_ID: You cannot change the id column of an object. You probably meant to make a new object instead?';
                list($column, $value) = $data;
                return 'MODEL_DATA:DATETIME_VALUE_EXPECTED_FOR_COLUMN: Column "'.$column.'" has been declared as a Datetime field - you tried to set it to "'.$value.'". You can set DateTime fields by passing it: Orm\Date objects, \DateTime objects, strings that resolve when strtotime\'d, unix_timestamps, or null (for nullable columns)';
                list($column, $value) = $data;
                $type = gettype($value);
                if ($type == 'object' && substr($column, -3) == '_id') {
                    return 'MODEL_DATA:SCALAR_VALUE_EXPECTED_FOR_COLUMN: Property "'.$column.'" on this object is a database column which can only accept scalar values. You tried to assign a "'.$type.'" to it. You probably meant to pass this object to column "'.substr($column, 0, -3).'". ';
                } else {
                    return 'MODEL_DATA:SCALAR_VALUE_EXPECTED_FOR_COLUMN: Property "'.$column.'" on this object is a database column which can only accept scalar values. You tried to assign a "'.$type.'" to it.';
                list($column, $value) = $data;
                $type = gettype($value);
                if ($type == 'integer') {
                    return 'MODEL_DATA:MODEL_EXPECTED_FOR_KEY: Property "'.$column.'" expected a Model object, but you gave it an integer - Perhaps you meant to set "'.$column.'_id" instead?';
                return 'MODEL_DATA:MODEL_EXPECTED_FOR_KEY: Property "'.$column.'" expected a Model object, but you gave it a variable of type "'.$type.'"';
                list($column, $value) = $data;
                $type = gettype($value);
                if ($type == 'object' and $value instanceof Model) {
                    return 'MODEL_DATA:ARRAY_EXPECTED_FOR_PIVOT: Property "'.$column.'" represents a M-M (Pivot) relationship. It expects an array of Model objects, but you gave it a Model object. If you intended to replace all of the objects in this join with a single object, you should wrap your Model object in array first.';
                return 'MODEL_DATA:ARRAY_EXPECTED_FOR_PIVOT: Property "'.$column.'" represents a M-M (Pivot) relationship. It expects an array of Model objects, but you gave it a variable of type "'.$type.'" instead.';
                list($column, $value, $obj) = $data;
                $type = gettype($obj);
                return 'MODEL_DATA:MODEL_EXPECTED_IN_PIVOT_ARRAY: Property "'.$column.'" represents a M-M (Pivot) relationship. You successfully passed an array to this property, but it was expecting an array of Model objects and you gave it an "'.$type.'"';
                list($column, $value) = $data;
                return 'MODEL_DATA:CANNOT_SET_EXTERNAL_KEYS_TO_THIS_TABLE: Property "'.$column.'" represents a list of objects that have a foreign key that refers to this object. To change this, you must update those objects - you cannot alter this relationship from here.';
                list($model, $column, $value) = $data;
                if ($model['columns'][$column . '_id']) {
                    return 'MODEL_DATA:UNEXPECTED_COLUMN_NAME: Property "'.$column.'" does not exist in the schema for this object ('.$model['table_name'].'), but "'.$column.'_id" does. You probably haven\'t set up the foreign key for this column!';
                return 'MODEL_DATA:UNEXPECTED_COLUMN_NAME: Property "'.$column.'" does not exist in the schema for this object ('.$model['table_name'].'). Please check the $model for this object, or look at $obj->var_dump()';
                list($value, $table, $pivot) = $data;
                $class = get_class($value);
                return 'MODEL_DATA_UPDATE:PIVOT_INCORRECT_OBJECT_TYPE: Trying to update property "'.$table.'" (pivot:.'.$pivot['pivot'].') - Was expecting an array of "'.$pivot['table'].'" objects, but found a "'.$class.'"!';
                list($column, $value) = $data;
                return 'MODEL_DATA:CANNOT_CALL_MULTIPIVOT_AS_PROPERTY: Property "'.$column.'" represents a M-M (Pivot) relationship with more than two keys. As we don\'t know which type of object to return (as there are multiple choices), you can\'t call this link as a simple property. Use the $model->property([\$where]) syntax instead.';
                return 'MODEL_DATA:CANNOT_DELETE_UNCOMMITED_DATA: You cannot mark a Data object for deletion if it does not represent an existing row in the database.';
                list($column, $suppliedTable, $expectedTable) = $data;
                return 'MODEL_DATA:INCORRECT_MODEL_FOR_RELATIONSHIP: Property "'.$column.'" expected a Model relating to table "'.$expectedTable.'" but a Model for "'.$suppliedTable.'" was given instead.';
                $e = $this->getPrevious();
                return 'ERROR_DURING_MASS_ASSIGNMENT: During ->assignData(), the following exception occurred: ' . $e->makeMessage($e->code, $e->data);
            case 'NO_SUCH_SERVICE':
                return 'NO_SUCH_SERVICE: Tried to access service "{$data}", but it has not yet been definied';
                return 'MODEL_DATA:UNKNOWN_FOREIGN_PROPERTY: Tried to access a foreign key not defined in the schema ('.$data['property'].'). Maybe try dump()ing this object to check what keys are available?';
                list($var) = $data;
                return 'MODEL:CALLED_GROUP_JOIN_ON_UNKNOWN_FOREIGN_PROPERTY: Tried to call join on property (' . $var . ') on Collection but was not a recognised foreign key';
                return "Unknown error code ({$code})";