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3 days
Test Coverage
namespace Automatorm\Orm;

use Automatorm\Exception;
use Automatorm\Database\SqlString;

class Data
    protected $data = [];           // Data from columns on this table
    protected $external = [];       // Links to foreign key objects
    protected $update = [];         // Keys to be updated
    protected $updateExternal = []; // Foreign keys to be updated
    protected $schema;              // Schema object for this database
    protected $namespace;           // Namespace of the Model for this data - used to find Schema again
    protected $table;               // Class this data is associated with
    protected $model;               // Fragment of Schema object for this table
    protected $locked = true;       // Can we use __set() - for updates/inserts
    protected $new = false;         // Is this to be a new row? (used with Model::new_db())
    protected $delete = false;      // Row is marked for deletion
    public function __construct(array $data, $table, Schema $schema, $new = false)
        $this->table = $table;
        $this->schema = $schema;
        $this->namespace = $schema->namespace;
        $this->model = $schema->getTable($table);
        $this->new = $new;
        $this->locked = !$new;
    public function updateData($data)
        $this->data = [];
        // Pull in data from $data
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            // Make a special object for dates
            if (!is_null($value) and (
                $this->model['columns'][$key] == 'datetime'
                or $this->model['columns'][$key] == 'timestamp'
                or $this->model['columns'][$key] == 'date'
            )) {
                $this->data[$key] = new \DateTimeImmutable($value, new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
            } else {
                $this->data[$key] = $value;

    // Generally used when this class is accessed through $modelobject->db()
    // This returns an 'unlocked' version of this object that can be used to modify the database row.
    public function __clone()
        $this->locked = false;
        $this->external = array();
     * Create a open cloned copy of this object, ready to reinsert as a new row.
     * @param bool $cloneExternalProps Clone M2M properties as well
     * @return self
    public function duplicate($cloneExternalProps = false, Model $newParent = null)
        $clone = clone $this;
        $clone->new = true;
        $clone->delete = false;
        foreach (array_keys($clone->data) as $key) {
            $clone->update[$key] = true;
        // Clone M-M joins
        if ($cloneExternalProps) {
            foreach (array_keys($this->model['many-to-many']) as $key) {
                $clone->external[$key] = $this->{$key};
                $clone->updateExternal[$key] = true;
        // "Foreign" tables use a "parent" table for their primary key. We need that parent object for it's id.
        if ($this->model['type'] == 'foreign') {
            if (!$newParent) {
                throw new Exception\Model('NO_PARENT_OBJECT', [$this->namespace, static::class, $this->table]);
            $clone->data['id'] = $newParent->id;
            $clone->update['id'] = true;
        return $clone;

     * Mark data object for deletion when commited
     * @return self
    public function delete()
        if ($this->new) {
            throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:CANNOT_DELETE_UNCOMMITED_DATA');
        $this->delete = true;
        return $this;
    // Accessor method for object properties (columns from the db)
    public function &__get($var)
        /* This property is a native database column, return it */
        if (isset($this->data[$var])) {
            return $this->data[$var];
        /* This property has already been defined, return it */
        if (isset($this->external[$var])) {
            $data = $this->external[$var];
            // If this data object isn't locked, it's likely being used for a insert/update.
            // If ->var contains a Collection, this must be a M2M relationship - mark it for update
            if (!$this->locked && $data instanceof Collection) {
                $this->updateExternal[$var] = true;
            return $data;
        /* This property hasn't been defined, so it's not one of the table columns.
         * We want to look at foreign keys and pivots
         * If we try to access a foreign key column without the _id on the end assume we want the object, not the id
         * From example at the top: $proj->account_id returns 1      $proj->account returns Account object with id 1
        try {
            $data = $this->join($var);
            // If this Data object isn't locked, it's likely being used for a insert/update.
            // If ->var contains a Collection, this must be a M2M relationship - mark it for update
            if (!$this->locked && $data instanceof Collection) {
                $this->updateExternal[$var] = true;
            return $data;
        } catch (Exception\Model $e) {
            if ($e->code == 'MODEL_DATA:UNKNOWN_FOREIGN_PROPERTY') {
                return null;
            throw $e;
    public static function groupJoin(Collection $collection, $var, $where = [], $onlyCount = false)
        if (!$collection->count()) {
            return $collection;
        $model = $collection[0]->_data->model;
        /* FOREIGN KEYS */
        if (key_exists($var, $model['one-to-one'])) {
            return static::groupJoin121($collection, $var, $where, $onlyCount);
        if (key_exists($var, $model['many-to-one'])) {
            return static::groupJoinM21($collection, $var, $where, $onlyCount);
        if (key_exists($var, $model['one-to-many'])) {
            return static::groupJoin12M($collection, $var, $where, $onlyCount);
        if (key_exists($var, $model['many-to-many'])) {
            return static::groupJoinM2M($collection, $var, $where, $onlyCount);
        #throw new Exception\Model('MODEL:CALLED_GROUP_JOIN_ON_UNKNOWN_FOREIGN_PROPERTY', [$var, $collection]);
        return new Collection();

    protected static function groupJoin121(Collection $collection, $var, $where, $countOnly = false)
        $proto = $collection[0]->_data;
        $ids = $collection->id->toArray();
        /* Call Tablename::factory(foreign key id) to get the object we want */
        $table = $proto->model['one-to-one'][$var]['table'];
        $schema = Schema::getSchemaByName($proto->model['one-to-one'][$var]['schema']);
        if ($countOnly) {
            return static::factoryDataCount(['id' => $ids] + $where, $table, $schema);
        return Model::factoryObjectCache($ids, $table, $schema);

    protected static function groupJoinM21(Collection $collection, $var, $where, $countOnly = false)
        $proto = $collection[0]->_data;
        // Remove duplicates from the group
        $ids = array_unique($collection->{$var . '_id'}->toArray());
        $table = $proto->model['many-to-one'][$var]['table'];
        $schema = Schema::getSchemaByName($proto->model['many-to-one'][$var]['schema']);
        if ($countOnly) {
            return static::factoryDataCount(['id' => $ids] + $where, $table, $schema);
        if (!$where) {
            $results = Model::factoryObjectCache($ids, $table, $schema);

            // Store the object results on the relevant objects
            foreach ($collection as $obj) {
                $obj->_data->external[$var] =
                    Model::factoryObjectCache($obj->{$var . '_id'}, $table, $schema);
            return $results;
        return Model::factory($where + ['id' => $ids], $table, $schema);
    protected static function groupJoin12M(Collection $collection, $var, $where, $countOnly = false)
        $proto = $collection[0]->_data;

        $table = $proto->model['one-to-many'][$var]['table'];
        $column = $proto->model['one-to-many'][$var]['column_name'];
        $schema = Schema::getSchemaByName($proto->model['one-to-many'][$var]['schema']);
        $ids = $collection->id->toArray();
        if ($countOnly) {
            return static::factoryDataCount([$column => $ids] + $where, $table, $schema);
        // Use the model factory to find the relevant items
        $results = Model::factory($where + [$column => $ids], $table, $schema);
        // If we didn't use a filter, store the relevant results in each object
        if (!$where) {
            foreach ($results as $obj) {
                $external[$obj->$column][] = $obj;
            foreach ($collection as $obj) {
                $obj->_data->external[$var] = new Collection((array) $external[$obj->id]);
        return $results;

    protected static function groupJoinM2M(Collection $collection, $var, $where, $countOnly = false)
        $results = new Collection();
        $proto = $collection[0]->_data;

        // Get pivot schema
        $pivot = $proto->model['many-to-many'][$var];
        $ids = $collection->id->toArray();
        // We can only support simple connection access for 2 key pivots.
        if (count($pivot['connections']) != 1) {
            throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:CANNOT_CALL_MULTIPIVOT_AS_PROPERTY', array($var));
        // Get a list of ids linked to this object (i.e. the tablename_id stored in the pivot table)
        $pivotSchema = $proto->schema->getTable($pivot['pivot']);
        $pivotCon = $pivot['connections'][0];
        $pivotConSchema = Schema::getSchemaByName($pivotCon['schema']);
        $raw = $proto->getDataAccessor()->getM2MData(
        // Rearrange the list of ids into a flat array and an id grouped array
        $flatIds = [];
        $groupedIds = [];
        foreach ($raw as $rawId) {
            $flatIds[] = $rawId[$pivotCon['column']];
            $groupedIds[$rawId[$pivot['id']]][] = $rawId[$pivotCon['column']];
        // Remove duplicates to make sql call smaller.
        $flatIds = array_unique($flatIds);
        if ($countOnly) {
            return static::factoryDataCount(['id' => $flatIds] + $where, $pivotCon['table'], $pivotConSchema);
        // Use the model factory to retrieve the objects from the list of ids (using cache first)
        $results = Model::factoryObjectCache($flatIds, $pivotCon['table'], $pivotConSchema);
        // If we don't have a filter ($where), then we can split up the results per object and store the
        // results relevant to the result on that object. The calls to Model::factoryObjectCache below will never
        // hit the database, because all of the possible objects were returned in the call above.
        if (!$where) {
            foreach ($collection as $obj) {
                $data = Model::factoryObjectCache($groupedIds[$obj->id], $pivotCon['table'], $pivotConSchema);
                $obj->_data->external[$var] = $data ?: new Collection;
        return $results;
    public function hasForeignKey($var)
        return (bool) (
            key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['one-to-one'])
            or key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['one-to-many'])
            or key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['many-to-one'])
            or key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['many-to-many'])

    public function join($var, array $where = [])
        if (array_key_exists($var, $this->external)) {
            if ($this->external[$var] instanceof Collection) {
                return $this->external[$var]->filter($where);
            return $this->external[$var];
        // If this Model_Data isn't linked to the db yet, then linked values cannot exist
        if (!$this->data['id']) {
            return new Collection();
        /* FOREIGN KEYS */
        if (key_exists($var, $this->model['one-to-one'])) {
            return $this->join121($var);
        if (key_exists($var, $this->model['many-to-one'])) {
            return $this->joinM21($var);
        if (key_exists($var, $this->model['one-to-many'])) {
            return $this->join12M($var, $where);
        if (key_exists($var, $this->model['many-to-many'])) {
            return $this->joinM2M($var, $where);
        throw new Exception\Model("MODEL_DATA:UNKNOWN_FOREIGN_PROPERTY", ['property' => $var, 'data' => $this]);
    public function joinCount($var, $where = [])
        if (!is_null($this->external[$var]) && !$this->external[$var] instanceof Collection) {
            return 1;
        if ($this->external[$var]) {
            return $this->external[$var]->filter($where)->count();
        // If this Model_Data isn't linked to the db yet, then linked values cannot exist
        if (!$this->data['id']) {
            return 0;
        /* FOREIGN KEYS */
        if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['one-to-one'])) {
            return $this->join121($var, true);
        if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['many-to-one'])) {
            return $this->joinM21($var, true);
        if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['one-to-many'])) {
            return $this->join12M($var, $where, true);
        if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['many-to-many'])) {
            return $this->joinM2M($var, $where, true);
        throw new Exception\Model("MODEL_DATA:UNKNOWN_FOREIGN_PROPERTY", ['property' => $var, 'data' => $this]);
    protected function join121($var, $countOnly = false)
        $table = $this->model['one-to-one'][$var]['table'];
        $schema = Schema::getSchemaByName($this->model['one-to-one'][$var]['schema']);
        $this->external[$var] = Model::factoryObjectCache($this->data['id'], $table, $schema);
        if ($countOnly) {
            return $this->external[$var] ? 1 : 0;
        return $this->external[$var];

    protected function joinM21($var, $countOnly = false)
        $table = $this->model['many-to-one'][$var]['table'];
        $schema = Schema::getSchemaByName($this->model['many-to-one'][$var]['schema']);
        $this->external[$var] = Model::factoryObjectCache($this->data[$var . '_id'], $table, $schema);
        if ($countOnly) {
            return $this->external[$var] ? 1 : 0;
        return $this->external[$var];
    protected function join12M($var, array $where, $countOnly = false)
        $table = $this->model['one-to-many'][$var]['table'];
        $column = $this->model['one-to-many'][$var]['column_name'];
        $schema = Schema::getSchemaByName($this->model['one-to-many'][$var]['schema']);
        if ($countOnly) {
            return static::factoryDataCount($where + [$column => $this->data['id']], Schema::underscoreCase($table), $schema);
        // Use the model factory to find the relevant items
        $results = Model::factory($where + [$column => $this->data['id']], $table, $schema);
        if (empty($where)) {
            $this->external[$var] = $results;
        return $results;

    protected function joinM2M($var, array $where, $countOnly = false)
        // Get pivot schema
        $pivot = $this->model['many-to-many'][$var];
        // We can only support simple connection access for 2 key pivots.
        if (count($pivot['connections']) != 1) {
            throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:CANNOT_CALL_MULTIPIVOT_AS_PROPERTY', array($var));
        // Get a list of ids linked to this object (i.e. the tablename_id stored in the pivot table)
        $pivotSchema = $this->schema->getTable($pivot['pivot']);
        $pivotCon = $pivot['connections'][0];
        $pivotConSchema = Schema::getSchemaByName($pivotCon['schema']);
        // Build Query
        $raw = $this->getDataAccessor()->getM2MData(
        // Rearrange the list of ids into a flat array
        $id = [];
        foreach ($raw as $rawId) {
            $id[] = $rawId[$pivotCon['column']];
        if ($countOnly) {
            return count(array_unique($id));
        // Use the model factory to retrieve the objects from the list of ids (using cache first)
        $results = Model::factoryObjectCache($id, $pivotCon['table'], $pivotConSchema);
        if (!$where) {
            $this->external[$var] = $results;
        return $results;
    public function __isset($var)
        // Is it already set in local array?
        if (array_key_exists($var, $this->data)) {
            return true;
        if (array_key_exists($var, $this->external)) {
            return true;
        // Check through all the possible foreign keys for a matching name
        if (array_key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['one-to-one'])) {
            return true;
        if (array_key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['many-to-one'])) {
            return true;
        if (array_key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['one-to-many'])) {
            return true;
        if (array_key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['many-to-many'])) {
            return true;
        return false;
    public function __set($var, $value)
        // Cannot change data if it is locked (i.e. it is attached to a Model object)
        if ($this->locked) {
            throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:SET_WHEN_LOCKED', array($var, $value));
        // Cannot update primary key on existing objects
        // (and cannot set id for new objects that don't have a foreign primary key)
        if ($var == 'id' && $this->new == false && $this->model['type'] != 'foreign') {
            throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:CANNOT_CHANGE_ID', array($var, $value));
        // Updating normal columns
        if (key_exists($var, $this->model['columns'])) {
            return $this->data[$var] = $this->setColumnData($var, $value);
        // table_id -> Table - Foreign keys to other tables
        if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['many-to-one'])) {
                $this->data[$var . '_id'],
            ) = $this->setManyToOneData($var, $value);
            $this->update[$var . '_id'] = true;
        // Pivot tables - needs an array of appropriate objects for this column
        if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['many-to-many'])) {
            return $this->external[$var] = $this->setManyToManyData($var, $value);
        // Table::this_id -> this - Foreign keys on other tables pointing to this one - we cannot 'set' these here.
        // These values must be changes on their root tables (i.e. the table with the twin many-to-one relationship)
        if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['one-to-many'])) {
            throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:CANNOT_SET_EXTERNAL_KEYS_TO_THIS_TABLE', array($var, $value));
        // Undefined column
        throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:UNEXPECTED_COLUMN_NAME', array($this->model, $var, $value));
    protected function setColumnData($var, $value)
        $this->update[$var] = true;
        if (is_null($value)) {
            return null;
        if ($this->model['columns'][$var] == 'datetime'
            or $this->model['columns'][$var] == 'timestamp'
            or $this->model['columns'][$var] == 'date'
        ) {
            return $this->setDateTimeColumnData($var, $value);
        } elseif (is_scalar($value) or $value instanceof SqlString) {
            // Standard values
            return $value;
        // Objects, arrays etc that cannot be stored in a db column. Explosion!
        throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:SCALAR_VALUE_EXPECTED_FOR_COLUMN', array($var, $value));
    protected function setDateTimeColumnData($var, $value)
        if ($value instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
            return $value;
        } elseif (is_int($value)) { // Fall back to unix timestamp
            return new \DateTimeImmutable('@' . $value, new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        } elseif (false !== ($datetime = strtotime($value))) { // Fall back to standard strings
            return new \DateTimeImmutable('@' . $datetime, new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        } else {
            // Oops!
            throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:DATETIME_VALUE_EXPECTED_FOR_COLUMN', array($var, $value));
    protected function setManyToOneData($var, $value)
        $this->updateExternal[$var] = true;
        if (is_null($value)) {
            return [null, null];
        } elseif ($value instanceof Model) {
            // Trying to pass in the wrong table for the relationship!
            // That is, the table name on the foreign key does not match the table name in the passed Model object
            $valueTable = Schema::normaliseCase($value->dataOriginal()->table);
            $expectedTable = $this->model['many-to-one'][$var]['table'];
            if ($valueTable !== $expectedTable) {
                throw new Exception\Model(
                    [$var, $valueTable, $expectedTable]
            return [$value->id, $value];
        throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:MODEL_EXPECTED_FOR_KEY', [$var, $value]);
    protected function setManyToManyData($var, $value)
        $this->updateExternal[$var] = true;
        if (is_null($value)) {
            return new Collection();
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $value = new Collection($value);
        // Still not got a valid collection? Boom!
        if (!$value instanceof Collection) {
            throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:ARRAY_EXPECTED_FOR_PIVOT', [$var, $value]);
        foreach ($value as $obj) {
            if (!$obj instanceof Model) {
                throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:MODEL_EXPECTED_IN_PIVOT_ARRAY', [$var, $value, $obj]);
        return $value;
    public function assign(array $data, array $validkeys)
        try {
            foreach ($validkeys as $key) {
                if (array_key_exists($key, $data)) {
                    $this->__set($key, $data[$key]);
            return $this;
        } catch (Exception\Model $e) {
            throw new Exception\Model(' ', [$data, $validkeys], $e);
    public function commit()
        // Determine the type of SQL instruction to run
        if ($this->delete) {
            $mode = 'delete';
        } elseif ($this->new) {
            $mode = 'insert';
        } else {
            $mode = 'update';
        // Collect the updated columns/foreign keys
        $columndata = [];
        foreach (array_keys($this->update) as $key) {
            $columndata[$key] = $this->data[$key];

        $externaldata = [];
        foreach (array_keys($this->updateExternal) as $key) {
            $externaldata[$key] = $this->external[$key];
        // Use connection's dataAccessor to commit the data to the db
        $id = $this->getDataAccessor()->commit(
            array_key_exists('id', $this->data) ? $this->data['id'] : null,
        // Reset flags on this object
        $this->new = false;
        $this->locked = true;
        // Clear update fields
        $this->update = [];
        $this->updateExternal = [];
        // Clear cached foreign key data
        $this->external = [];
        // Get clean version of data from database (in case of db triggers etc)
        if ($mode != 'delete') {
            list($data) = $this->getDataAccessor()->getData($this->table, ['id' => $id]);
        return $this;
    // Get the table that this object is attached to.
    public function getTable()
        return $this->table;
    public function getConnection()
        return $this->schema->connection;
    public function getModel()
        return $this->model;

    public function getSchema()
        return $this->schema;
    public function getNamespace()
        return $this->schema->namespace;
    public function getDataAccessor()
        return $this->schema->connection->getDataAccessor();
    public function externalKeyExists($var)
        if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['one-to-one'])) {
            return 'one-to-one';
        if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['one-to-many'])) {
            return 'one-to-many';
        if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['many-to-one'])) {
            return 'many-to-one';
        if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->model['many-to-many'])) {
            return 'many-to-many';
        return null;
    public function clearCache()
        if (!$this->locked) {
            throw new Exception\Model('CANNOT_CLEAR_UNLOCKED_DATA_OBJECTS', [$this]);
        $this->external = [];
    // By default, hide most of the schema internals of Data objects when var_dumping them!
    public function __debugInfo()
        $return = get_object_vars($this);
        return $return;
    public function __sleep()
        return [
    public function __wakeup()
        $this->schema = Schema::get($this->namespace);
        $this->model = $this->schema->getTable($this->table);
    // Get data from database from which we can construct Model objects
    final public static function factoryData($where, $table, Schema $schema, array $options = [])
        return $schema->connection->getDataAccessor()->getData($table, $where, $options);

    // Get data from database from which we can construct Model objects
    final public static function factoryDataCount($where, $table, Schema $schema, array $options = [])
        return $schema->connection->getDataAccessor()->getDataCount($table, $where, $options);