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# RubyGene

The aim of RubyGene is to generate test automation projects already configured for a Web, Mobile or Api project. All of them based on the structure of a cucumber and Rspec project, page objects and reports. was based on the gem

## Installation

Add this command to the terminal:

gem install rubygene

# Using gem

# In a project with Cucumber

## Generate a web project

rubygene new_web nome_do_projeto

Where will generate a project of this model, already with everything configured:

Specfications: Where is the functionality of the project?

Steps: Where the actual tests are performed;

Pages: Where is mapped the elements and methods of a particular page;

Support: Where is the project settings?

Results: Where is the result of the tests and reports.

## Generate an API project

rubygene new_api nome_do_projeto

Where will generate a project of this model, already with everything configured:

Specfications: Where is the functionality of the project?

Steps: Where the actual tests are performed;

Services: Where the service settings are;

Support: Where is the project settings?

Results: Where is the result of the tests and reports.

## Generate a Mobile project

rubygene new_mobile nome_do_projeto

Where will generate a project of this model, already with everything configured:

Specfications: Where is the functionality of the project?

Steps: Where the actual tests are performed;

Screens: Where is mapped the elements and methods of a given screen;

Support: Where is the project settings?

Results: Where is the result of the tests and reports.

And it is also possible to generate the steps, features, services, pages etc ... alone

## Generate a step

rubygene generate step nome_do_step

## Generate a feature

rubygene generate feature nome_da_feature

## Generate a page

rubygene generate page nome_da_page

## Generate a screens

rubygene generate screen nome_da_screen

## Generate a services

rubygene generate service nome_do_service

Now if you need to create a feature, page and step, you also have a shortcut to it :)
## Generate feature,page,step

rubygene generate all_web nome_do_arquivo

Now if you need to create a feature, screens and step also have a shortcut to this :)

## Generate feature,screens,step

rubygene generate all_mobile nome_do_arquivo

Now if you need to create a feature, services and step also has a shortcut to it :)

## Generate feature,services,step

rubygene generate all_api nome_do_arquivo

By default everything is generated in English if you need to use `--lang=pt`

rubygene generate all_api nome_do_arquivo --lang=pt

# In an Rspec project

## Generate a web project

rubygene new_rspec_web nome_do_projeto

Where will generate a project of this model, already with everything configured:

Specs: Where the actual tests are performed;

Pages: Where is mapped the elements and methods of a particular page;

Support: Where is the project settings?

Results: Where is the result of the tests and reports.

## Generate an API project

rubygene new_rspec_api nome_do_projeto

Where will generate a project of this model, already with everything configured:

Specs: Where the actual tests are performed;

Services: Where the service settings are;

Support: Where is the project settings?

Results: Where is the result of the tests and reports.

## Generate a spec

rubygene generate spec nome_do_spec

## Generate a page

rubygene generate rspec_page nome_da_page

## Generate a services

rubygene generate rspec_service nome_do_service

Now if you need to create a page and spec you also have a shortcut to it :)
## Generate page,spec

rubygene generate all_web_rspec nome_do_arquivo

Now if you need to create a services and spec it also has a shortcut to it :)

## Generate services,spec

rubygene generate all_api_rspec nome_do_arquivo

By default everything is generated in English if you need to use `--lang=pt`

rubygene generate all_api_rspec nome_do_arquivo --lang=pt

## For next versions

- Add generator to JsonSchema
- Add calabash project generator
- Add generator for Rspec projects to Mobile.
- Add driver generator (download specific driver and install in the correct location)

## Contribution

Bug reports and receiving requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe and welcoming space for collaboration, and taxpayers are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct.

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of
 [MIT License](

## Code of conduct

Everyone who interacts with the RubyGene project codebases, problem trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the
 [code of conduct](