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# History version translate

  Version [Portuguese-br] (

# Version 0.4.0
Release date: 11/17/2018

### Added

- New functionality to create web projects and api in Rspec.
- New functionality to create files for web projects and api in Rspec.
- Unit tests for rspec projects.
- English and Portuguese translations in readme and history.

### Adjusted

- Adding folder that was missing from reports in mobile project

### Changed

- nothing

# Version 0.3.4
Release date: 09/16/2018

### Added

- Unitary tests.
- Coverage of code with simplecov.

### Adjusted

- Load yml file from the api configuration that was yaml

### Changed

- SitePrism was changed from '2.15' to '2.15.1', ​​due to some performance improvements with the cucumber;
- Capybara changed version from '3.0.3' to '<3.3', version advised by siteprism personnel;
- The version of Selenium '~> 3.4' has been set, a version advised by siteprism personnel;
- Regex in Hooks to get the report name was reduced to only one row.

### Removed

- nothing

# Version 0.3.3
Release date: 09/14/2018

### Added

- nothing

### Adjusted

- Gem bug when generating project.

### Changed

- nothing

### Removed

- nothing

# Version 0.3.2
Release date: 09/14/2018

### Added

- nothing

### Adjusted

- Typing `` `rubygene --version``` was not working. Now it's fixed.
- Code improvements requested by rubocop.
- Improvement in translation using I18n

### Changed

- nothing

### Removed

- Dependence of gerkin to translate the features.

# Version 0.3.1
Release date: 09/13/2018

### Added

- File with history of the gem of the updates

### Adjusted

- Gem description spec.description

### Changed

- nothing

### Removed

- nothing