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Test Coverage
Collecting files .. OK
Initializing parser .. OK
Parsing files
Parsing /var/www/SqueakyMindsPhpHelper/src/SqueakyMindsPhpHelper.php
Parsing /var/www/SqueakyMindsPhpHelper/src/SqueakyMindsPhpHelper_lists.php
Storing cache in "/var/www/SqueakyMindsPhpHelper/docs" .. OK
Load cache                                                         ..    0.011s
Preparing template "responsive"                                    ..    0.009s
Preparing 13 transformations                                       ..    0.000s
Build "elements" index                                             ..    0.000s
Replace textual FQCNs with object aliases                          ..    0.006s
Resolve @link and @see tags in descriptions                        ..    0.000s
Enriches inline example tags with their sources                    ..    0.000s
Build "packages" index                                             ..    0.000s
Build "namespaces" index and add namespaces to "elements"          ..    0.000s
Collect all markers embedded in tags                               ..    0.000s
Transform analyzed project into artifacts                          .. 
Applying 13 transformations
  Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Plugin\Core\Transformer\Writer\FileIo"
  Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Plugin\Core\Transformer\Writer\Xml"
  Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Plugin\Core\Transformer\Writer\Xsl"
  Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Plugin\Graphs\Writer\Graph"
  Execute transformation using writer "FileIo"
  Execute transformation using writer "FileIo"
  Execute transformation using writer "FileIo"
  Execute transformation using writer "xml"
  Execute transformation using writer "xsl"
  Execute transformation using writer "xsl"
  Execute transformation using writer "xsl"
  Execute transformation using writer "xsl"
  Execute transformation using writer "xsl"
  Execute transformation using writer "xsl"
  Execute transformation using writer "xsl"
  Execute transformation using writer "xsl"
  Execute transformation using writer "Graph"
Unable to find the `dot` command of the GraphViz package. Is GraphViz correctly installed and present in your path?   0.091s
Analyze results and write report to log                            ..    0.000s