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Test Coverage
# Testing the Bugsnag JS notifier

## Initial setup

Clone and navigate to this repo:

git clone git@github.com:bugsnag/bugsnag-js.git --recursive
cd bugsnag-js

Install top level dependencies:

npm i

Bootstrap all of the individual packages:

npm run bootstrap

Build each of the standalone packages:

npm run build

## Unit tests

Runs the unit tests for each package.

npm run test:unit

## Type tests

This tests the validity of .d.ts files by attempting to compile a TypeScript program that uses Bugsnag.

npm run test:types

## Linting

Lints the entire repo with ESLint. On JavaScript files this uses the [standard](https://github.com/standard/eslint-config-standard) ruleset and on TypeScript files this uses the [@typescript/eslint](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/tree/master/packages/eslint-plugin) recommended set of rules.

npm run test:lint

## End to end

These tests are implemented with our notifier testing tool [Maze runner](https://github.com/bugsnag/maze-runner).

End to end tests are written in cucumber-style `.feature` files, and need Ruby-backed "steps" in order to know what to run. The tests are located in the top level [`test`](/test/) directory.

Maze runner's CLI and the test fixtures are containerised so you'll need Docker (and Docker Compose) to run them.

__Note: only Bugsnag employees can run the end-to-end tests.__ We have dedicated test infrastructure and private BrowserStack credentials which can't be shared outside of the organisation.

#### Authenticating with the private container registry

You'll need to set the credentials for the aws profile in order to access the private docker registry:

aws configure --profile=opensource

Subsequently you'll need to run the following command to authenticate with the registry:

npm run test:test-container-registry-login

__Your session will periodically expire__, so you'll need to run this command to re-authenticate when that happens.

For further details, see the `TESTING.md` for individual platforms:
- [Browser](./test/browser/TESTING.md)
- [Node](./test/node/TESTING.md)
- [React Native](./test/react-native/TESTING.md)
- [React Native CLI](./test/react-native-cli/TESTING.md)