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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const semver = require('semver')
const S3 = require('aws-sdk/clients/s3')
const Cloudfront = require('aws-sdk/clients/cloudfront')

const packageDir = process.cwd()
const packageJson = require(packageDir + "/package.json")
const packageName = packageJson.name
const packageVersion = packageJson.version
const bucketName = process.env.BUCKET_NAME || 'bugsnagcdn'
const distributionId = process.env.DISTRIBUTION_ID || 'E205JDPNKONLN7'
const callerReference = `${packageName}@${packageVersion}`
const files = process.argv.slice(2)

const s3Client = new S3()
const cloudFrontClient = new Cloudfront()

const upload = async (localPath, remotePath) => {
  const relativePath = path.relative('..', localPath)
  console.log(`uploading ${relativePath} -> ${remotePath}`)
  const fileStream = await fs.createReadStream(localPath)
  const response = await s3Client.putObject({ 
    Bucket: bucketName, 
    Key: remotePath, 
    Body: fileStream,
    CacheControl: 'public, max-age=315360000',
    ContentType: 'application/javascript'

  return response

const invalidate = async (paths) => {
  console.log(`invalidating CloudFront cache for the following objects:\n${paths.join('\n')}`)
  const response = await cloudFrontClient.createInvalidation({
    DistributionId: distributionId,
    InvalidationBatch: {
      CallerReference: callerReference,
      Paths: {
        Quantity: paths.length,
        Items: paths

  return response

const run = async () => {
  // track the uploaded paths so the cache can be invalidated afterwards
  const uploaded = []
  const track = filepath => {
    // invalidation paths must start with /
    return filepath

  // always upload canonical versions
  for (const file of files) {
    const localPath = `${packageDir}/${file}`
    const uploadPath = `v${packageVersion}/${path.basename(file)}`
    await upload(localPath, track(uploadPath))
  const isUnstable = semver.prerelease(packageVersion) !== null
  if (!isUnstable) {
    // if this is a release (as opposed to a prerelease), update the major/minor aliases
    const major = `v${semver.major(packageVersion)}`
    for (const file of files) {
      const localPath = `${packageDir}/${file}`
      const uploadPath = `${major}/${path.basename(file)}`
      await upload(localPath, track(uploadPath))
    const minor = `${major}.${semver.minor(packageVersion)}`
    for (const file of files) {
      const localPath = `${packageDir}/${file}`
      const uploadPath = `${minor}/${path.basename(file)}`
      await upload(localPath, track(uploadPath))

  // invalidate caches for all of the uploaded files
  await invalidate(uploaded)
