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const map = require('@bugsnag/core/lib/es-utils/map')
const reduce = require('@bugsnag/core/lib/es-utils/reduce')
const filter = require('@bugsnag/core/lib/es-utils/filter')

const MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 200
const MAX_SCRIPT_LENGTH = 500000

module.exports = (doc = document, win = window) => ({
  load: (client) => {
    if (!client._config.trackInlineScripts) return

    const originalLocation = win.location.href
    let html = ''

    // in IE8-10 the 'interactive' state can fire too soon (before scripts have finished executing), so in those
    // we wait for the 'complete' state before assuming that synchronous scripts are no longer executing
    const isOldIe = !!doc.attachEvent
    let DOMContentLoaded = isOldIe ? doc.readyState === 'complete' : doc.readyState !== 'loading'
    const getHtml = () => doc.documentElement.outerHTML

    // get whatever HTML exists at this point in time
    html = getHtml()
    const prev = doc.onreadystatechange
    // then update it when the DOM content has loaded
    doc.onreadystatechange = function () {
      // IE8 compatible alternative to document#DOMContentLoaded
      if (doc.readyState === 'interactive') {
        html = getHtml()
        DOMContentLoaded = true
      try { prev.apply(this, arguments) } catch (e) {}

    let _lastScript = null
    const updateLastScript = script => {
      _lastScript = script

    const getCurrentScript = () => {
      let script = doc.currentScript || _lastScript
      if (!script && !DOMContentLoaded) {
        const scripts = doc.scripts || doc.getElementsByTagName('script')
        script = scripts[scripts.length - 1]
      return script

    const addSurroundingCode = lineNumber => {
      // get whatever html has rendered at this point
      if (!DOMContentLoaded || !html) html = getHtml()
      // simulate the raw html
      const htmlLines = ['<!-- DOC START -->'].concat(html.split('\n'))
      const zeroBasedLine = lineNumber - 1
      const start = Math.max(zeroBasedLine - 3, 0)
      const end = Math.min(zeroBasedLine + 3, htmlLines.length)
      return reduce(htmlLines.slice(start, end), (accum, line, i) => {
        accum[start + 1 + i] = line.length <= MAX_LINE_LENGTH ? line : line.substr(0, MAX_LINE_LENGTH)
        return accum
      }, {})

    client.addOnError(event => {
      // remove any of our own frames that may be part the stack this
      // happens before the inline script check as it happens for all errors
      event.errors[0].stacktrace = filter(event.errors[0].stacktrace, f => !(/__trace__$/.test(f.method)))

      const frame = event.errors[0].stacktrace[0]

      // remove hash and query string from url
      const cleanUrl = (url) => url.replace(/#.*$/, '').replace(/\?.*$/, '')

      // if frame.file exists and is not the original location of the page, this can't be an inline script
      if (frame && frame.file && cleanUrl(frame.file) !== cleanUrl(originalLocation)) return

      // grab the last script known to have run
      const currentScript = getCurrentScript()
      if (currentScript) {
        const content = currentScript.innerHTML
          content.length <= MAX_SCRIPT_LENGTH ? content : content.substr(0, MAX_SCRIPT_LENGTH)

        // only attempt to grab some surrounding code if we have a line number
        if (frame && frame.lineNumber) {
          frame.code = addSurroundingCode(frame.lineNumber)
    }, true)

    // Proxy all the timer functions whose callback is their 0th argument.
    // Keep a reference to the original setTimeout because we need it later
    const [_setTimeout] = map([
    ], fn =>
      __proxy(win, fn, original =>
        __traceOriginalScript(original, args => ({
          get: () => args[0],
          replace: fn => { args[0] = fn }

    // Proxy all the host objects whose prototypes have an addEventListener function
      'EventTarget', 'Window', 'Node', 'ApplicationCache', 'AudioTrackList', 'ChannelMergerNode',
      'CryptoOperation', 'EventSource', 'FileReader', 'HTMLUnknownElement', 'IDBDatabase',
      'IDBRequest', 'IDBTransaction', 'KeyOperation', 'MediaController', 'MessagePort', 'ModalWindow',
      'Notification', 'SVGElementInstance', 'Screen', 'TextTrack', 'TextTrackCue', 'TextTrackList',
      'WebSocket', 'WebSocketWorker', 'Worker', 'XMLHttpRequest', 'XMLHttpRequestEventTarget', 'XMLHttpRequestUpload'
    ], o => {
      if (!win[o] || !win[o].prototype || !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(win[o].prototype, 'addEventListener')) return
      __proxy(win[o].prototype, 'addEventListener', original =>
        __traceOriginalScript(original, eventTargetCallbackAccessor)
      __proxy(win[o].prototype, 'removeEventListener', original =>
        __traceOriginalScript(original, eventTargetCallbackAccessor, true)

    function __traceOriginalScript (fn, callbackAccessor, alsoCallOriginal = false) {
      return function () {
        // this is required for removeEventListener to remove anything added with
        // addEventListener before the functions started being wrapped by Bugsnag
        const args = [].slice.call(arguments)
        try {
          const cba = callbackAccessor(args)
          const cb = cba.get()
          if (alsoCallOriginal) fn.apply(this, args)
          if (typeof cb !== 'function') return fn.apply(this, args)
          if (cb.__trace__) {
          } else {
            const script = getCurrentScript()
            // this function mustn't be annonymous due to a bug in the stack
            // generation logic, meaning it gets tripped up
            // see: https://github.com/stacktracejs/stack-generator/issues/6
            cb.__trace__ = function __trace__ () {
              // set the script that called this function
              // immediately unset the currentScript synchronously below, however
              // if this cb throws an error the line after will not get run so schedule
              // an almost-immediate aysnc update too
              _setTimeout(function () { updateLastScript(null) }, 0)
              const ret = cb.apply(this, arguments)
              return ret
            cb.__trace__.__trace__ = cb.__trace__
        } catch (e) {
          // swallow these errors on Selenium:
          // Permission denied to access property '__trace__'
          // WebDriverException: Message: Permission denied to access property "handleEvent"
        // IE8 doesn't let you call .apply() on setTimeout/setInterval
        if (fn.apply) return fn.apply(this, args)
        switch (args.length) {
          case 1: return fn(args[0])
          case 2: return fn(args[0], args[1])
          default: return fn()
  configSchema: {
    trackInlineScripts: {
      validate: value => value === true || value === false,
      defaultValue: () => true,
      message: 'should be true|false'

function __proxy (host, name, replacer) {
  const original = host[name]
  if (!original) return original
  const replacement = replacer(original)
  host[name] = replacement
  return original

function eventTargetCallbackAccessor (args) {
  const isEventHandlerObj = !!args[1] && typeof args[1].handleEvent === 'function'
  return {
    get: function () {
      return isEventHandlerObj ? args[1].handleEvent : args[1]
    replace: function (fn) {
      if (isEventHandlerObj) {
        args[1].handleEvent = fn
      } else {
        args[1] = fn