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5 hrs
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* Leaves breadcrumbs when navigation methods are called or events are emitted
module.exports = (win = window) => {
  const plugin = {
    load: (client) => {
      if (!('addEventListener' in win)) return
      if (!client._isBreadcrumbTypeEnabled('navigation')) return

      // returns a function that will drop a breadcrumb with a given name
      const drop = name => () => client.leaveBreadcrumb(name, {}, 'navigation')

      // simple drops – just names, no meta
      win.addEventListener('pagehide', drop('Page hidden'), true)
      win.addEventListener('pageshow', drop('Page shown'), true)
      win.addEventListener('load', drop('Page loaded'), true)
      win.document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', drop('DOMContentLoaded'), true)
      // some browsers like to emit popstate when the page loads, so only add the popstate listener after that
      win.addEventListener('load', () => win.addEventListener('popstate', drop('Navigated back'), true))

      // hashchange has some metadata that we care about
      win.addEventListener('hashchange', event => {
        const metadata = event.oldURL
          ? { from: relativeLocation(event.oldURL, win), to: relativeLocation(event.newURL, win), state: getCurrentState(win) }
          : { to: relativeLocation(win.location.href, win) }
        client.leaveBreadcrumb('Hash changed', metadata, 'navigation')
      }, true)

      // the only way to know about replaceState/pushState is to wrap them… >_<

      if (win.history.replaceState) wrapHistoryFn(client, win.history, 'replaceState', win)
      if (win.history.pushState) wrapHistoryFn(client, win.history, 'pushState', win)

  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
    plugin.destroy = (win = window) => {

  return plugin

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
  exports.destroy = (win = window) => {

// takes a full url like http://foo.com:1234/pages/01.html?yes=no#section-2 and returns
// just the path and hash parts, e.g. /pages/01.html?yes=no#section-2
const relativeLocation = (url, win) => {
  const a = win.document.createElement('A')
  a.href = url
  return `${a.pathname}${a.search}${a.hash}`

const stateChangeToMetadata = (win, state, title, url) => {
  const currentPath = relativeLocation(win.location.href, win)
  return { title, state, prevState: getCurrentState(win), to: url || currentPath, from: currentPath }

const wrapHistoryFn = (client, target, fn, win) => {
  const orig = target[fn]
  target[fn] = (state, title, url) => {
    client.leaveBreadcrumb(`History ${fn}`, stateChangeToMetadata(win, state, title, url), 'navigation')
    // if throttle plugin is in use, reset the event sent count
    if (typeof client.resetEventCount === 'function') client.resetEventCount()
    // if the client is operating in auto session-mode, a new route should trigger a new session
    if (client._config.autoTrackSessions) client.startSession()
    // Internet Explorer will convert `undefined` to a string when passed, causing an unintended redirect
    // to '/undefined'. therefore we only pass the url if it's not undefined.
    orig.apply(target, [state, title].concat(url !== undefined ? url : []))
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
    target[fn]._restore = () => { target[fn] = orig }

const getCurrentState = (win) => {
  try {
    return win.history.state
  } catch (e) {}