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# Fuzzlogia

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Fuzzlogia is a simple **Japanese-kanji-reading-aware fuzzy search** library written in JavaScript.

> Fuzzlogia is still in the early development stage. The API is unstable.

Some examples:

var fl = require('fuzzlogia');

// => [ 'fuzzy' ]
fl.search('fzzuy', [ 'fuzzy', 'matching' ]);

// => [ '最高裁判所' ]
fl.search('さいこうさいばんしょ', [ '最高裁判所' ]);

// => [ '漢字は難しい' ]
fl.search('かんじ', [ '漢字は難しい' ]);

// => [ '銀河ヒッチハイクガイド' ]
fl.search('ぎんが', [ '電気羊', '銀河ヒッチハイクガイド' ]);

## Features

- **Pure** (no dependencies)

- Fuzzy search with **ranking** (based on # of matched letters, distance, and item length)

- **Japanese Kanji's on/kun/nanori reading aware** (using [KANJIDIC][])

[KANJIDIC]: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/kanjidic.html

## Installation

Using [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/):

npm install --save fuzzlogia

### In browser

You can use [Browserify](http://browserify.org/) or [Webpack](http://webpack.github.io/) or whatever you want.

## API

### `search(query, bucket, extractor, options)`


**query** (*type*: `String`)

A query string.


**bucket** (*type*: `Array`)

An array of items to search for.


**extractor** (*type*: `String|Function`, *default*: `identity`)

A function to extract the string to be compared with `query` from each item.
If `extractor` is a string, it will be used as a property name.


// => [ { name: 'John' }]
fl.search('John', [ { name: 'John' } ], 'name');

// => [ { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Mullins'} ]
fl.search('John', [ { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Mullins'} ], function(item) {
  return item.firstName + ' ' + item.lastName;


**options** (*type*: `Object`, *default*: see below)

Options to control the behavior. The following options are supported:

- **threshold** (*type*: `Number`, *default*: 0)

  If the number of characters in `query` **not** contained in an item string exceeds `threshold`,
  the item will not appear in the result.


  // => []
  fl.search('gist', [ 'git' ], null, { threshold: 0 })

  // => [ 'git' ]
  fl.search('gist', [ 'git' ], null, { threshold: 1 })

## Dictionaries

Fuzzlogia uses the following dictionaries:

- **[KANJIDIC][]**

  [KANJIDIC][] file contains comprehensive information about 6,355 Japanese kanji specified in the JIS X 0208-1990, including Japanese on/kun/nanori readings ([documentation][KANJIDIC DOC]).
  The file is the property of the [Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group][EDRDG], and are used in conformance with the Group's [licence][EDRDGL].

[KANJIDIC]: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/kanjidic.html
[KANJIDIC DOC]: http://www.edrdg.org/kanjidic/kanjidic_doc.html
[EDRDG]: http://www.edrdg.org/
[EDRDGL]: http://www.edrdg.org/edrdg/licence.html

## Tools

Fuzzlogia contains the following tools:

- **[kanjidic.js](tools/kanjidic.js)**

  Extracts and compiles KANJIDIC into easy-to-use format for Fuzzlogia. See the file for usage.
  [onkundic.js](src/onkundic.js) is automatically generated by this tool.

## TODOs

- Demo page

- Performance analysis and tuning

- Hiragana/katakana/romaji agnostic fuzzy search

## Contributing to Fuzzlogia

Pull requests are welcomed.
Please add the relevant tests and ensure that it passes all the tests by executing
`npm test` before submitting a pull request.

## License

Copyright © 2015 Naoto Yokoyama

Distributed under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for full details.