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# WaybackArchiver

Post URLs to [Wayback Machine](https://archive.org/web/) (Internet Archive), using a crawler, from [Sitemap(s)](http://www.sitemaps.org), or a list of URLs.

> The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web [...]
> The service enables users to see archived versions of web pages across time ...  
> \- [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayback_Machine)

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* [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage](#usage)
  - [Ruby](#ruby)
  - [CLI](#cli)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
* [RubyDoc](#docs)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [MIT License](#license)
* [References](#references)

## Installation

Install the gem:
$ gem install wayback_archiver

Or add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'wayback_archiver'

And then execute:

$ bundle

## Usage

* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [CLI](#cli)


* `auto` (the default) - Will try to
    1. Find Sitemap(s) defined in `/robots.txt`
    2. Then in common sitemap locations `/sitemap-index.xml`, `/sitemap.xml` etc.
    3. Fallback to crawling (using the excellent [spidr](https://github.com/postmodern/spidr/) gem)
* `sitemap` - Parse Sitemap(s), supports [index files](https://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html#index) (and gzip)
* `urls` - Post URL(s)

## Ruby

First require the gem

require 'wayback_archiver'



# auto is the default

# or explicitly
WaybackArchiver.archive('example.com', strategy: :auto)


WaybackArchiver.archive('example.com',  strategy: :crawl)

Only send one single URL

WaybackArchiver.archive('example.com', strategy: :url)

Send multiple URLs

WaybackArchiver.archive(%w[example.com www.example.com], strategy: :urls)

Send all URL(s) found in Sitemap

WaybackArchiver.archive('example.com/sitemap.xml', strategy: :sitemap)

# works with Sitemap index files too
WaybackArchiver.archive('example.com/sitemap-index.xml.gz', strategy: :sitemap)

Specify concurrency

WaybackArchiver.archive('example.com', strategy: :auto, concurrency: 10)

Specify max number of URLs to be archived

WaybackArchiver.archive('example.com', strategy: :auto, limit: 10)

Each archive strategy can receive a block that will be called for each URL

WaybackArchiver.archive('example.com', strategy: :auto) do |result|
  if result.success?
    puts "Successfully archived: #{result.archived_url}"
    puts "Error (HTTP #{result.code}) when archiving: #{result.archived_url}"

Use your own adapter for posting found URLs

WaybackArchiver.adapter = ->(url) { puts url } # whatever that responds to #call

## CLI


wayback_archiver [<url>] [options]

Print full usage instructions

wayback_archiver --help



# auto is the default
wayback_archiver example.com

# or explicitly
wayback_archiver example.com --auto


wayback_archiver example.com --crawl

Only send one single URL

wayback_archiver example.com --url

Send multiple URLs

wayback_archiver example.com www.example.com --urls

Crawl multiple URLs

wayback_archiver example.com www.example.com --crawl

Send all URL(s) found in Sitemap

wayback_archiver example.com/sitemap.xml

# works with Sitemap index files too
wayback_archiver example.com/sitemap-index.xml.gz

Most options

wayback_archiver example.com www.example.com --auto --concurrency=10 --limit=100 --log=output.log --verbose

View archive: [https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://example.com](https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://example.com) (replace `http://example.com` with to your desired domain).

## Configuration

:information_source: By default `wayback_archiver` doesn't respect robots.txt files, see [this Internet Archive blog post](https://blog.archive.org/2017/04/17/robots-txt-meant-for-search-engines-dont-work-well-for-web-archives/) for more information.

Configuration (the below values are the defaults)

WaybackArchiver.concurrency = 1
WaybackArchiver.user_agent = WaybackArchiver::USER_AGENT
WaybackArchiver.respect_robots_txt = WaybackArchiver::DEFAULT_RESPECT_ROBOTS_TXT
WaybackArchiver.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
WaybackArchiver.max_limit = -1 # unlimited
WaybackArchiver.adapter = WaybackArchiver::WaybackMachine # must implement #call(url)

For a more verbose log you can configure `WaybackArchiver` as such:

WaybackArchiver.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT).tap do |logger|
  logger.progname = 'WaybackArchiver'
  logger.level = Logger::DEBUG

_Pro tip_: If you're using the gem in a Rails app you can set `WaybackArchiver.logger = Rails.logger`.

## Docs

You can find the docs online on [RubyDoc](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/buren/wayback_archiver/master).

This gem is documented using `yard` (run from the root of this repository).

yard # Generates documentation to doc/

## Contributing

Contributions, feedback and suggestions are very welcome.

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

## License

[MIT License](LICENSE)

## References

* Don't know what the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive) is? [Wayback Machine](https://archive.org/web/)
* Don't know what a Sitemap is? [sitemaps.org](http://www.sitemaps.org)
* Don't know what robot.txt is? [www.robotstxt.org](http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html)