

Test Coverage
;;; zeus.el -- Minor mode for zeus application preloader

;;; Commentary:
;; Implements `zeus-mode' for the zeus application preloader. This includes
;; support to start, stop and run commands against a running zeus server.

(require 's)
(require 'json)
(require 'cl)
(require 'dash)

(defcustom zeus-mode-completion-use-ido
  "Use ido mode for completion of zeus commands"

(defvar *zeus-server-process*
  "zeus server process buffer"

(defun zeus--command-string (cmd args &optional options)
  (s-join " " (list "zeus" (s-join " " options) cmd args)))

(defun zeus--run (name buffer-name cmd args &optional options)
  "Run a zeus command returning the running process buffer"
  (let ((zeus-command (zeus--command-string cmd args options)))
    (process-buffer (start-process-shell-command name buffer-name zeus-command))))

(defun zeus--available-commands ()
  (let* ((zeus-json (json-read-from-string
                       (insert-file-contents "zeus.json")
         (plan (alist-get 'plan zeus-json)))
    (mapcar 'symbol-name (zeus--extract-commands plan))))

(defun zeus--extract-commands (entries)
  (-flatten (delq nil (mapcar
                       (function (lambda (entry)
                                    ((zeus--command-p entry) (car entry))
                                    ((listp entry) (zeus--extract-commands entry)))))

(defun zeus--completing-read ()
  (if zeus-mode-completion-use-ido
      'ido-completing-read 'completing-read))

(defun zeus--command-p (entry)
  (and (listp entry) (arrayp (cdr entry))))

(defun zeus-start ()
  "Start the zeus server in the current directory using
simple-status output"
  (setq *zeus-server-process* (zeus--run "zeus-server" "*zeus-server*" "start" "" '("--simple-status")))
  (pop-to-buffer *zeus-server-process*))

(defun zeus-stop ()
  "Shutdown the currently active zeus server cleanly"
  (when *zeus-server-process*
    (interrupt-process *zeus-server-process*)))

(defun zeus-run-command (prefix cmd args)
  "Run a command for zeus, i.e. zeus test to run the tests
against the current zeus instance when run with prefix run the
command in compile buffer"
    (funcall (zeus--completing-read) "Command to run: " (zeus--available-commands))
    (read-string "Additional arguments: " "")))
  (let ((cmd-name (concat "zeus" cmd)))
    (if prefix
        (compile (zeus--command-string cmd args))
      (pop-to-buffer (zeus--run cmd-name "*zeus-command*" cmd args)))))

(provide 'zeus)