require 'delegate'
require 'logger'
require 'erb'
require 'open3'
require 'gosu'
require 'chipmunk'
require 'texplay'
require 'tmx'
require 'i18n'
require 'listen'
require 'active_support'
require 'active_support/dependencies'
require 'active_support/inflector'
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash'
require 'active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access'
require 'core_ext/numeric'
require 'core_ext/class'
require 'gosu_ext/color'
require 'gosu_ext/gosu_constants'
require 'tmx_ext/tile_set'
require 'tmx_ext/object'
require 'chipmunk_ext/chipmunk'
require 'locale/locale'
require 'metro/parameters/parameters'
require 'metro/asset_path'
require 'metro/units/units'
require 'metro/logging'
require 'metro/version'
require 'metro/animation'
require 'metro/font'
require 'metro/image'
require 'metro/sample'
require 'metro/song'
require 'metro/template_message'
require 'metro/window'
require 'metro/game'
require 'metro/scene'
require 'metro/scenes'
require 'metro/models/model'
require 'metro/missing_scene'
# To allow an author an easier time accessing the Game object from within their game.
# They do not have to use the `Metro::Game` an instead use the `Game` constant.
Game = Metro::Game
module Metro
extend self
extend GosuConstants
# @return [String] the filepath to the Metro executable
def executable_path
File.absolute_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "bin", "metro")
# @return [String] the filepath to the Metro assets
def asset_dir
File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "assets"
# @return [Array] an array of all the handlers that will be executed prior
# to the game being launched.
def setup_handlers
@setup_handlers ||= []
# Register a setup handler. While this method is present, it is far
# too late for game code to be executed as these pregame handlers will already
# have started executing. This allows for modularity within the Metro library
# with the possibility that this functionality could become available to
# individual games if the load process were to be updated.
def register_setup_handler(handler)
setup_handlers.push handler
# Run will load the contents of the game contents and game files
# within the current working directory and start the game.
# @param [Array<String>] parameters an array of parameters that contains
# the commands in the format that would normally be parsed into the
# ARGV array.
def run(*parameters)
options = Parameters::CommandLineArgsParser.parse(parameters)
setup_handlers.each { |handler| handler.setup(options) }
# Start the game by lanunching a window with the game configuration and data
# that has been loaded.
def start_game
# When called all the game-related code will be unloaded and reloaded.
# Providding an opportunity for a game author to tweak the code without having
# to restart the game.
def reload!!
# When called the game-related code will be loaded in a sub-process to see
# if the code is valid. This is used in tandem with {#reload} and should be
# called prior to ensure that the code that is replacing the current code
# is valid.
# @return [TrueClass,FalseClass] true if the game code that was loaded was
# loaded successfully. false if the game code was not able to be loaded.
def game_has_valid_code?
execution =
if execution.invalid?
error! 'error.unloadable_source', output: execution.output, exit: false
require 'setup_handlers/move_to_game_directory'
require 'setup_handlers/load_game_configuration'
require 'setup_handlers/load_game_files'
require 'setup_handlers/exit_if_dry_run'
require 'setup_handlers/reload_game_on_game_file_changes'