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Test Coverage
import inquirer from 'inquirer'
import configRemove from '../../config-remove'
import * as load from '../../util/load'
import reporter from '../../util/reporter'
import merge from 'lodash.merge'

export const command = 'remove <vars...>'
export const desc = 'Remove environment variables for alias on AWS'
export function builder (yargs) {
  return yargs
  .pkgConf('shep', process.cwd())
  .alias('quiet', 'q')
  .describe('quiet', 'Don\'t log anything')
  .describe('env', 'Specifies which environment to remove variables from. If not provided an interactive menu will display the options')
  .example('shep config remove --env beta NEW_VARIABLE', 'Removes NEW_VARIABLE from all functions with beta alias')

export async function handler (opts) {
  const logger = opts.quiet ? () => {} : reporter()
  const inputs = {}

  if (!opts.env) {
    const envs = await load.envs()
    const questions = [
        name: 'env',
        message: 'Environment',
        type: 'list',
        choices: () => envs

    merge(inputs, await inquirer.prompt(questions.filter((q) => !opts[q.name])))

  logger({ type: 'start', body: 'Remove environment variables on functions in AWS' })
  try {
    const versions = await configRemove(merge({}, inputs, opts))
    logger({ type: 'done' })
    logger(`Removed ${opts.vars.join(', ')} from ${inputs.env || opts.env}`)
    versions.forEach(({ FunctionName, Identifier }) => logger(`Updated ${FunctionName} to version ${Identifier.Version}`))
  } catch (e) {
    logger({ type: 'fail' })
    throw e