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Test Coverage
# @busy-web/components

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This README outlines the details of collaborating on this Ember addon.

## Installation

This is an ember addon and requires ember-cli.

Note: This component does not support Ember 1.13

ember install @busy-web/components

## Setup

#### CSS Colors with SASS
Setting up the override css can be done by setting the color variables in sass.
$bc-color-1: #30aeef; // bright blue
$bc-color-2: #2d3e50; // dark blue
$bc-color-3: #8E8E8E; // grey
$bc-color-4: #F0F4F7; // glacier blue
$bc-color-5: #CCCCCC; // grey lighter than bc-color-3
$bc-color-6: #CFCFCF; // off white
$bc-color-7: #FFFFFF; // white
$bc-color-8: #68A3B5; // teal
$bc-color-9: #D65151; // red
$bc-color-10: #384D60; // dark blue lighter than bc-color-2
$bc-color-11: #A9B5BF; // blue grey
$bc-color-12: #C9CFD3; // grey lighter than bc-color-5
$bc-color-13: #243442; // black
$bc-color-14: #0277BD; // bright blue darker than bc-color-1
$bc-color-15: #D32F2F; // dark red
$bc-color-16: #F3F3F3; // grey white
$bc-color-17: #5E5E5E; // dark grey
$bc-color-18: #AAAAAA; // grey lighter than bc-color-3 darker than bc-color-5 / neutral gray
$bc-color-19: #58BD7F; // green
$bc-color-20: #EEEEEE; // another grey

## Running

* `ember server`
* Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.

## Running Tests

* `npm test` (Runs `ember try:testall` to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
* `ember test`
* `ember test --server`

## Building

* `ember build`

For more information on using ember-cli, visit [http://ember-cli.com/](http://ember-cli.com/).

## Installing Addon

* `ember install @busy-web/components`

## Usage

* Validation input
{{bc-validate placeholder="Name"}}

* Checkbox input
{{bc-checkbox placeholder="Name"}}

* Radio input
{{bc-radio-button placeholder="Name"}}

* Select input
{{bc-select placeholder="Name"}}

## Contribute

* `git clone` this repository
* `npm install`
* `bower install`

[embadge]: http://embadge.io/
[ember-badge]: http://embadge.io/v1/badge.svg?start=2.16.2