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55 mins
Test Coverage
 * @module component
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
import EmberObject, { computed, get, set } from '@ember/object';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import { isNone, isEmpty } from '@ember/utils';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import sortableObject from '../utils/sortable-object';
import layout from '../templates/components/bc-sortable-list';

 * `BC/SortableList`
 * @class
 * Renders a sortable list view of model objects
 * @extends Ember.Component
export default Component.extend({
    layout: layout,
    classNames: ['bc-sortable-list'],

    model: null,
    meta: null,
    defaultSort: false,
    childModelPath: 'children',

    __meta: null,
    __data: null,

    init() {

        // setup meta data

        // setup report data

     * Handles sorting the data according to the new SortableObject state
     * @public
     * @method sort
     * @param data {ModelContainer[]} ModelContainer array to sort
     * @param sortable {SortableObject} SortableObject state to sort by
     * @return {ModelContainer[]}
    sort(data, sortable) {
        if (!isNone(sortable) && sortable.get('isActive')) {
            const { sortBy, sortDir } = sortable.getState();
            data = sort(data, sortBy, sortDir);
        return data;

     * toggles the new sort state and resets all the other sort states
     * @public
     * @method handleMetaSort
     * @param currentSortable {SortableObject} the new sort object to toggle
     * @return {void}
    handleMetaSort(currentSortable) {
        // change sort dir for meta sort item

        // reset other sortable objects
        get(this, '__meta').forEach(sortable => {
            if (get(sortable, 'id') !== get(currentSortable, 'id')) {

    actions: {
        sortAction(sortable) {
            // reset other sort states

            // save new sorted data
            set(this, '__data', this.sort(get(this, '__data').slice(0), sortable));

            // send onSort action
            this.sendAction('onSort', sortable.getState());

        rowClickAction(item) {
            this.sendAction('rowAction', item);

function sort(data, sortBy, sortDir) {
    assert('sort requires an array of objects as the first param', !isEmpty(data) && Array.isArray(data));
    assert('sort requires a sortBy string as the second param', !isEmpty(sortBy) && typeof sortBy === 'string');
    assert('sort requires a sortDir string [asc, desc] as the third param', !isEmpty(sortDir) && (sortDir === 'asc' || sortDir === 'desc'));

    // sort data
    return sortData(data, sortBy, sortDir);

 * normalize the input for better sorting results
 * @private
 * @method normalize
 * @param value {mixed}
 * @return {mixed}
function normalize(value) {
    if (isNone(value)) {
        return '';

    if (typeof value === 'string') {
        return value.trim().toLowerCase();
    } else {
        return value.toString();

 * sort method that will sort empty strings to the bottom
 * instead of the top of an 'asc' list
 * @private
 * @method sortData
 * @param data {object[]} array of objects
 * @param prop {string} the key to the data in the object array
 * @param dir {string} sort direction `asc` or `desc`
 * @return {object[]}
function sortData(data, sortBy, dir='asc') {
    assert("dir must be either `asc` or `desc`", dir === 'asc' || dir === 'desc');

    //const sortBy = `${prop}.value`;
    const gt = dir === 'asc' ? -1 : 1;
    const lt = dir === 'asc' ? 1 : -1;

    return data.sort((a, b) => {
        let aVal = normalize(a.get(sortBy));
        let bVal = normalize(b.get(sortBy));

        if (isEmpty(aVal) && isEmpty(bVal)) {
            return 0;
        } else if (isEmpty(aVal)) {
            return lt;
        } else if (isEmpty(bVal)) {
            return gt;

        return (aVal < bVal ? gt : (bVal < aVal ? lt : 0));

 * ModelContainer class for display multiple ModelProperty classes in
 * a row of data
 * @class ModelContainer
const ModelContainer = EmberObject.extend({
    model: null,
    modelProps: null,
    children: null,

     * getter method
     * this will return key => modelProps.find(key).value
     * if the property does not exist on this object
     * @public
     * @method get
     * @param key {string}
     * @return {mixed}
    get(key) {
        let idx = key.indexOf('.');
        let kFirst = key;
        let kRest = '';
        if (idx !== -1) {
            kFirst = key.slice(0, idx);
            kRest = key.slice(idx+1);

        let result = get(this, kFirst);
        if (isNone(result)) {
            result = get(this, 'modelProps').findBy('attrName', kFirst);
            if (isEmpty(kRest)) {
                result = get(result, 'value');

        if (!isEmpty(kRest)) {
            result = get(result, kRest);
        return result;

 * ModelProperty class helper for
 * showing and sorting the property for a specific header meta
 * @class ModelProperty
const ModelProperty = EmberObject.extend({
    container: null,

    id: null,
    attrName: null,
    isImage: false,
    formatCurrency: false,
    formatTime: false,

     * @public
     * @property value
     * @type {string}
    value: computed('attrName', function() {
        const attr = this.get('attrName');
        assert('attrName was not found on ModelProperty class', !isEmpty(attr) && typeof attr === 'string');
        return this.get(`container.model.${attr}`);

     * js method to convert an object to a string.
     * in this case it will return the value of this.value
     * this is useful for when something tries to use this as a string
     * it will have a valid output
     * @public
     * @method toString
    toString() {
        return this.get('value') || '';

 * pares the model data and create ModelContainers with ModelProperty
 * classes
 * @private
 * @method createModelContainer
 * @param target {class} calling class `this` instance
 * @param model {object[]} array of model objects
 * @param metaData {object[]} array of model meta objects
 * @return {object[]}
function createModelContainer(target, model, metaData) {
    assert('model is required for createModelContainer', !isNone(model) && typeof model === 'object');
    assert('metaData is required for createModelContainer', !isEmpty(metaData) && Array.isArray(metaData));

    // create container
    const owner = getOwner(model);
    const container = ModelContainer.create(owner.ownerInjection(), { model });

    // create modelProps
    const modelProps = metaData.map(meta => {
        const id = get(meta, 'id');
        const attrName = get(meta, 'modelAttr');
        const opts = { container, id, attrName };
        if (get(meta, 'isImage')) { opts.isImage = true; }
        if (get(meta, 'formatCurrency')) { opts.formatCurrency = true; }
        if (get(meta, 'formatTime')) { opts.formatTime = true; }

        return ModelProperty.create(opts);

    // set modelProps on container
    set(container, 'modelProps', modelProps);

    // create child containers
    if (!isEmpty(get(model, get(target, 'childModelPath')))) {
        set(container, 'children', get(model, get(target, 'childModelPath')).map(child => createModelContainer(child, metaData)));
    } else {
        set(container, 'children', []);

    return container;

 * setup report data and handle loading the initial sort state
 * this should only be called from init
 * @private
 * @method setupReportData
 * @param target {class} calling class `this` instance
 * @return {void}
function setupReportData(target) {
    const meta = get(target, '__meta');
    let data = get(target, 'model').map(item => createModelContainer(target, item, meta));

    // get sort state if it was set on init
    let sortable = get(target, '__meta').find(i => i.get('isActive'));

    // option default first property sort
    if (get(target, 'defaultSort') && isNone(sortable)) {
        sortable = get(target, '__meta.firstObject');

    // try calling sort then save the data
    set(target, '__data', target.sort(data, sortable));

 * initial call to setup the meta data
 * for the models.
 * this will look for a meta object on the target class first
 * then move on to a meta object on the model for the target class
 * in the future this should try to gennerate the meta from the model itself
 * if no meta is provided.
 * @private
 * @method setupMeta
 * @param target {class} calling classs `this` instance
 * @return {void}
function setupMeta(target) {
    let meta = get(target, 'meta');
    if (isNone(meta)) {
        meta = get(target, 'model.meta');
        // TODO:
        // add mode meta generator
        /*if (isNone(meta)) {
            meta = generateMeta(target);

    assert('meta could not be found for bc-sortable-list', !isEmpty(meta) && Array.isArray(meta));

    // create copy of meta
    meta = meta.slice(0);

    // map meta to create sortable objects
    let newMeta = meta.map(item => sortableObject(item));

    // save the new meta array
    set(target, '__meta', newMeta);

//function generateMeta(target) {
//    let model = get(target, 'model.firstObject');
//    let meta = [];
//    let keys = Object.keys(model);
//    console.log('model keys', keys);