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Test Coverage
 * @module Utils
import EmberObject, { computed, get, set } from '@ember/object';
import { dasherize, camelize, classify } from '@ember/string';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import { isNone, isEmpty } from '@ember/utils';

const SORT_STATE = ['not-sorted', 'asc', 'desc'];

 * Sort object manages the sort state for sortable lists
 * @class SortableObject
 * @extends EmberObject
const SortableObject = EmberObject.extend({

     * properties
    id: '',
    modelAttr: '',
    sortState: 0,
    header: '',
    sortable: true,

     * String generated for showing a table header
     * @public
     * @property headerName
     * @type {string}
    headerName: computed('header', 'modelAttr', function() {
        if (!isEmpty(get(this, 'header'))) {
            return get(this, 'header');
        return dasherize(get(this, 'modelAttr')).split('-').map(k => classify(k)).join(' ');

     * boolean state property to see if the sortState is active
     * meaning the state is 1 (asc) or 2 (desc) and not 0 (not sorted)
     * @public
     * @property isActive
     * @type {boolean}
    isActive: computed('sortState', function() {
        return get(this, 'sortState') !== 0;

     * Text representation of the sortState
     *  0 => not-sorted
     *  1 => asc
     *    2 => desc
     * @public
     * @property sortDir
     * @type {string}
    sortDir: computed('sortState', function() {
        return SORT_STATE[get(this, 'sortState')];

    asc: computed('sortState', function() {
        return get(this, 'sortState') === 1;

    desc: computed('sortState', function() {
        return get(this, 'sortState') === 2;

     * toggle state between asc and desc.
     * if state is 0 then toggle will move to 1
     * if state is 1 then toggle will move to 2
     * if state is 2 then toggle will move to 1
     * @public
     * @method toggleState
     * @return {void}
    toggleState() {
        if (get(this, 'sortable')) {
            set(this, 'sortState', get(this, 'sortState') === 1 ? 2 : 1);

     * sets the state back to 0 no matter what the current state is
     * @public
     * @method resetState
     * @return {void}
    resetState() {
        set(this, 'sortState', 0);

     * getter for getting the sortBy and sortDir as an object { sortBy, sortDir }
     * @public
     * @method getSort
     * @return {object}
    getState() {
        return {
            sortBy: get(this, 'modelAttr'),
            sortDir: SORT_STATE[get(this, 'sortState')]

export default function sortableObject(meta) {
    // get header if it was provided
    let header = get(meta, 'header');
    if (isNone(header)) {
        header = '';

    // get modelAttr or create it from machineName or header
    let modelAttr = get(meta, 'modelAttr');
    if (isEmpty(modelAttr)) {
        let machineName = get(meta, 'machineName');
        if (!isEmpty(machineName)) {
            modelAttr = machineName;
        } else if (!isEmpty(header)) {
            modelAttr = camelize(header);

    assert("SortableObject requires a modelAttr, but modelAttr could not be found of inferred", !isEmpty(modelAttr));

    // get id or create it from modelAttr
    let id = get(meta, 'id');
    if (isEmpty(id)) {
        id = dasherize(modelAttr);

    // get sort state or set default sortState to 0
    let sortState = get(meta, 'sortState');
    if (isEmpty(sortState)) {
        sortState = 0;
    } else if (typeof sortState === 'string' && SORT_STATE.indexOf(sortState) !== -1) {
        sortState = SORT_STATE.indexOf(sortState);
    } else if (typeof sortState === 'number' && SORT_STATE[sortState] === undefined) {
        sortState = 0;
    } else {
        sortState = 0;

    let sortable = get(meta, 'sortable');
    if (sortable !== false) {
        sortable = true;

    return SortableObject.create({id, modelAttr, sortState, header, sortable});