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Test Coverage
 * @module Components
import $ from 'jquery';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { observer, get, getWithDefault, set } from '@ember/object';
import { isNone, isEmpty } from '@ember/utils';
import keyEvents from '@busy-web/ember-date-time/mixins/key-events';
import _state from '@busy-web/ember-date-time/utils/state';
import _time from '@busy-web/ember-date-time/utils/time';
import { longFormatDate } from '@busy-web/ember-date-time/utils/format';
import layout from '../templates/components/ember-date-time-picker';
import {
} from '@busy-web/ember-date-time/utils/constant';

//import stateManager from '../--private/state';

 * `Component/Busyweb/EmberDateTimePicker`
 * @class DateTimePicker
 * @namespace Components
 * @extends Component
export default Component.extend(keyEvents, {
     * @private
     * @property classNames
     * @type String
     * @default busy-web-date-time-picker
    classNames: ['busyweb', 'emberdatetime', 'c-date-time-picker'],

     * timestamp that is passed in as a milliseconds timestamp
     * @private
     * @property timestamp
     * @type Number
    timestamp: null,

     * timestamp that is passed in as a seconds timestamp
     * @public
     * @property unix
     * @type number
    unix: null,

     * can be passed in so a date after the maxDate cannot be selected
     * @private
     * @property maxDate
     * @type Number
     * @optional
    maxDate: null,

     * can be passed in so a date before the minDate cannot be selected
     * @private
     * @property minDate
     * @type Number
     * @optional
    minDate: null,

     * set to true if the values passed in should not be converted to local time
     * @public
     * @property utc
     * @type boolean
    utc: false,

    format: 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A', //'L LT',

     * value thats used to only allow one action to be sent each keyup/heydown for calendar
     * @private
     * @property keyHasGoneUp
     * @type Boolean
    keyHasGoneUp: true,

     * The stateManager object used by busy-web-date-time-picker
     * @private
     * @property stateManager
     * @type object
    stateManager: null,

     * Round the minutes by this amount of minutes.
     * Must be one of the following 1, 5, 10, 15, 30
     * @property round
     * @type {number}
    round: 1,

    allowTab: true,
    hideTime: false,
    hideDate: false,
    lockOpen: false,

    __timestamp: null,
    __calendar: null,
    __min: null,
    __max: null,
    __defaultFocus: 0,

     * checks if timestamp is valid calls updateInputValues
     * @private
     * @method initialize
     * @constructor
    init(...args) {

    initialize() {
         * TODO:
         * replace stateManager with more advanced state manager
         * capable of passing events around to all listeners
        const __state = stateManager();
            timestamp: get(this, 'timestamp'),
            unix: get(this, 'unix'),
            minDate: get(this, 'minDate'),
            maxDate: get(this, 'maxDate'),
            utc: get(this, 'utc'),
            format: get(this, 'format'),
            round: get(this, 'round'),
            roundSelect: get(this, 'roundSelect')

        set(this, '__state', __state);
        __state.update({ active: HOUR_FLAG });

        // get locale converted format str
        let format = get(this, 'format');
        format = longFormatDate(format);
        setPrivate(this, 'format', format);

        // set timestamp and min max dates

        // set initial focus state
        let index = findSectionIndex(this, HOUR_FLAG);
        set(this, '__defaultFocus', index);


    setupTime() {
        let timestamp = get(this, 'timestamp');
        let unix = get(this, 'unix');
        let minDate = get(this, 'minDate');
        let maxDate = get(this, 'maxDate');

        if (timestamp !== get(this, '__lastTimestamp') || unix !== get(this, '__lastUnix') || minDate !== get(this, '__lastMinDate') || maxDate !== get(this, '__lastMaxDate')) {
            set(this, '__lastTimestamp', timestamp);
            set(this, '__lastUnix', unix);
            set(this, '__lastMinDate', minDate);
            set(this, '__lastMaxDate', maxDate);

            let time, min, max
            if (!isNone(unix)) {
                // assume all dates are unix and convert them to milliseconds
                time = _time.unix(unix).timestamp()
                if (!isNone(minDate)) { min = _time.unix(minDate).timestamp(); }
                if (!isNone(maxDate)) { max = _time.unix(maxDate).timestamp(); }

                if (get(this, 'utc')) {
                    time = _time.utcToLocal(time).timestamp();
                    if (!isNone(minDate)) { min = _time.utcToLocal(min).timestamp(); }
                    if (!isNone(maxDate)) { max = _time.utcToLocal(max).timestamp(); }
            } else if (!isNone(timestamp)) {
                if (get(this, 'utc')) {
                    time = _time.utcToLocal(timestamp).timestamp();
                    if (!isNone(minDate)) { min = _time.utcToLocal(minDate).timestamp(); }
                    if (!isNone(maxDate)) { max = _time.utcToLocal(maxDate).timestamp(); }

            setPrivate(this, 'timestamp', time);
            setPrivate(this, 'calendar', time);
            setPrivate(this, 'min', min);
            setPrivate(this, 'max', max);

    changeAttrs: observer('timestamp', 'unix', 'minDate', 'maxDate', function() {

    setState() {
        let timestamp = getPrivate(this, 'timestamp');
        let calendarDate = getPrivate(this, 'calendar');
        let minDate = getPrivate(this, 'min');
        let maxDate = getPrivate(this, 'max');
        let format = getPrivate(this, 'format');
        let selectRound = parseInt(getWithDefault(this, 'round', 1), 10);
        timestamp = _time.round(timestamp, selectRound);

        if (isNone(get(this, 'stateManager'))) {
            set(this, 'stateManager', _state({ timestamp, calendarDate, minDate, maxDate, format, selectRound }));
        } else {
            set(this, 'stateManager.timestamp', timestamp);
            set(this, 'stateManager.calendarDate', calendarDate);
            set(this, 'stateManager.minDate', minDate);
            set(this, 'stateManager.maxDate', maxDate);
            set(this, 'stateManager.format', format);
            set(this, 'stateManager.selectRound', selectRound);

    setupPicker: observer('hideTime', 'hideDate', function() {
        const showDate = (this.get('hideTime') || !this.get('hideDate'));
        const showTime = (this.get('hideDate') || !this.get('hideTime'));
        let section = DAY_FLAG;
        if (!showDate) {
            section = HOUR_FLAG;

        this.setActiveState({ section, showDate, showTime });

    setActiveState(options={}) {
        if (isNone(get(this, 'stateManager'))) {

        if (!isEmpty(options.section)) {
            if (get(this, 'stateManager.section') !== options.section) {
                this.set('stateManager.section', options.section);
        } else {
            if (this.get('hideTime') && !this.get('hideDate') && this.get('lockOpen')) {
                this.set('stateManager.section', DAY_FLAG);
            } else if (!this.get('hideTime') && this.get('lockOpen')) {
                this.set('stateManager.section', HOUR_FLAG);

        if (!isNone(options.isOpen)) {
            if (!this.get('lockOpen')) {
                this.set('stateManager.isOpen', options.isOpen);

        if (!isNone(options.isTop)) {
            this.set('stateManager.isTop', options.isTop);

        if (!isNone(options.showDate)) {
            this.set('stateManager.showDate', options.showDate);
        }    else if (this.get('hideTime') && !this.get('hideDate') && this.get('lockOpen')) {
            this.set('stateManager.showDate', true);

        if (!isNone(options.showTime)) {
            this.set('stateManager.showTime', options.showTime);
        } else if (!this.get('hideTime') && this.get('lockOpen')) {
            this.set('stateManager.showTime', true);

        this.set('stateChangeInProgress', false);

    focusState(section) {
        let el = this.$(`input`);
        if (el && el.length) {
            let index;
            if (!isEmpty(section)) {
                index = findSectionIndex(this, section);
            } else {
                index = findSectionIndex(this, HOUR_FLAG);

            if (el.data('selection') !== index) {
                el.data('selection', index);
                el.data('forceSelection', true);


    shouldPickerOpenTop() {
        const documentHeight = $(document).height();
        const dialogHeight = this.$().find('.dialog-container').height() + 50;
        const elementHeight = this.$().height();
        const distanceTop = this.$().offset().top;
        const distanceBottom = documentHeight - (distanceTop + elementHeight);

        return (distanceTop > distanceBottom && distanceBottom < dialogHeight);

     * triggeres a date change event to send off
     * to listeners of `onChange`
     * @public
     * @method triggerDateChange
    triggerDateChange() {
        let time = getPrivate(this, 'timestamp');
        if (get(this, 'utc')) {
            time = _time.utcFromLocal(time).timestamp();

        let timestamp;
        if (!isNone(get(this, 'timestamp'))) {
            timestamp = time;
            set(this, '__lastTimestamp', timestamp);
            set(this, 'timestamp', timestamp);

        let unix;
        if (!isNone(get(this, 'unix'))) {
            unix = _time(time).unix();
            set(this, '__lastUnix', unix);
            set(this, 'unix', unix);

        this.sendAction('onChange', { timestamp, unix });

    updateTime(type, time, calendar) {
        time = _time.round(time, get(this, 'stateManager.selectRound'));
        calendar = _time.round(calendar, get(this, 'stateManager.selectRound'));

        if (type === MONTH_FLAG) {
            if (!isNone(calendar)) {
                setPrivate(this, 'calendar', calendar);
        } else {
            setPrivate(this, 'timestamp', time);
            setPrivate(this, 'calendar', time);

    actions: {
        dateChange(time) {
            this.updateTime(DAY_FLAG, time);

        applyChange(evt, time) {
            this.updateTime(DAY_FLAG, time);

        update(section, time, calendar) {
            if (!this.get('stateChangeInProgress')) {
                this.set('stateChangeInProgress', true);
                this.updateTime(section, time, calendar);
                this.setActiveState({ section });

        stateChange(section) {
            if (!this.get('stateChangeInProgress')) {
                this.set('stateChangeInProgress', true);
                if (section === `m-${HOUR_FLAG}`) {
                    section = HOUR_FLAG;
                const isOpen = true;
                const isTop = this.shouldPickerOpenTop();
                this.setActiveState({ section, isOpen, isTop });

        closeAction() {
            if (!this.get('lockOpen')) {
                this.setActiveState({ section: '', isOpen: false, isTop: false });

        focusAction(evt, section) {
            if (!this.get('stateChangeInProgress')) {
                this.set('stateChangeInProgress', true);
                if (section === `m-${HOUR_FLAG}`) {
                    section = HOUR_FLAG;
                const isOpen = true;
                const isTop = this.shouldPickerOpenTop();
                this.setActiveState({ section, isOpen, isTop });

        tabAction(evt, handler) {
            this.sendAction('onTabKey', evt);
            if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() || evt.isPropagationStopped()) {
                return handler.preventDefault();
            } else {
                return true;

function getPrivate(target, name) {
    return get(target, `__${name}`);

function setPrivate(target, name, value) {
    set(target, `__${name}`, value);

function findSectionIndex(target, type) {
    let format = getPrivate(target, 'format');
    //et value = _time(getPrivate(target, 'timestamp')).format(format);
    //let f = splitFormat(format);
    //let v = splitFormat(value);

    let exp;
    if (type === HOUR_FLAG) {
        exp = _time.typeExp(`m-${type}`);
        if (!exp.test(format)) {
            exp = _time.typeExp(type);
    } else {
        exp = _time.typeExp(type);

    let idx = format.search(exp);
    if (idx < 0) {
        idx = 0;
    return idx;