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1 day
Test Coverage
 * @module Components
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { A } from '@ember/array';
import { camelize } from '@ember/string';
import { isNone } from '@ember/utils';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import { computed, observer, get, set } from '@ember/object';
import _state from '@busy-web/ember-date-time/utils/state';
import _time from '@busy-web/ember-date-time/utils/time';
import layout from '../../templates/components/private/date-picker';
import {
} from '@busy-web/ember-date-time/utils/constant';

 * `Component/DatePicker`
 * @class DatePicker
 * @namespace Components
 * @extends Component
export default Component.extend({
  classNames: ['busyweb', 'emberdatetime', 'p-date-picker'],
  layout: layout,

    dayKey: DAY_FLAG,
    monthKey: MONTH_FLAG,
    yearKey: YEAR_FLAG,

    stateManager: null,

   * timestamp that is passed in when using date picker
   * @private
   * @property timestamp
   * @type Number
  timestamp: null,

   * timestamp that controls the dates for the calendar
   * @private
   * @property calendarDate
   * @type Number
  calendarDate: null,

   * day of the month shown on the calendar header - based off timestamp
   * @private
   * @property day
   * @type String
  day: null,

   * month of year shown on the calendar header - based off timestamp
   * @private
   * @property month
   * @type String
  month: null,

   * year shown on the calendar header - based off timestamp
   * @private
   * @property year
   * @type String
  year: null,

   * array of all days in the current month of calendarTimestamp
   * @private
   * @property daysArray
   * @type Array
  daysArray: null,

   * based on daysArray, Adds blank days to the front and back of array according to starting day of month
   * @private
   * @property completeDaysArray
   * @type Array
  completeDaysArray: null,

   * based on completeDaysArray, Adds current day and minDate - maxDate properties
   * @private
   * @property completeArray
   * @type Array
  completeArray: null,

   * based on completeArray, groups days into 6 week arrays
   * @private
   * @property groupedArray
   * @type Array
  groupedArray: null,

   * becomes string 'active' (binded to classes in template) if monthActive is active
   * @private
   * @property monthActive
   * @type String
  months_active: false,

   * becomes string 'active' (binded to classes in template) if dayActive is active
   * @private
   * @property monthActive
   * @type dayActive
  days_active: false,

   * becomes string 'active' (binded to classes in template) if yearActive is active
   * @private
   * @property yearActive
   * @type String
    years_active: false,

    isPrev: true,
    isNext: true,

   * @private
   * @method init
   * @constructor
    init(...args) {


    updateTime: observer('stateManager.timestamp', 'stateManager.calendarDate', function() {
        const timestamp = get(this, 'stateManager.timestamp');

        let calendarDate = get(this, 'stateManager.calendarDate');
        if (!calendarDate) {
            calendarDate = timestamp;

        if (get(this, 'timestamp') !== timestamp) {
            this.setTimestamp(get(this, 'stateManager.timestamp'));

        if (get(this, 'calendarDate') !== calendarDate) {
            this.setCalendarDate(get(this, 'stateManager.calendarDate') || get(this, 'stateManager.timestamp'));

   * updates to the new active header  (day, month, or year)
   * @private
   * @method updateActiveSection
  updateActiveSection: observer('stateManager.section', function() {
        let section = get(this, 'stateManager.section');
        if (!isNone(section)) {
            if (section === WEEKDAY_FLAG) {
                section === DAY_FLAG;

            section = camelize(section);
            const statusType = [DAY_FLAG, MONTH_FLAG, YEAR_FLAG];

            // ensure the active status applies to the calendar
            if (statusType.indexOf(section) !== -1) {
                // reset active status
                statusType.forEach(name => set(this, `${name}_active`, false));

                // set new active status
                set(this, `${section}_active`, true);

   * re configures the calendar when calendarDate is changed, sets the monthYear calendar header
   * @private
   * @method monthYear
  monthYear: computed('calendarDate', 'stateManager.range', function() {
    const calendarObject = _time(get(this, 'calendarDate'));
    return calendarObject.format('MMMM YYYY');

   * makes moment objects for each day in month, disables them if they exceed max/min date
   * @private
   * @method buildDaysArrayForMonth
  buildDaysArrayForMonth: function() {
        const calendarDate = get(this, 'calendarDate');
    const minDate =    get(this, 'stateManager.minDate');
    const maxDate = get(this, 'stateManager.maxDate');
        let [ startRange, endRange ] = (get(this, 'stateManager.range') || []);

        const currentCalendar = _time(calendarDate);
    const currentTime = _time(get(this, 'timestamp'));
    const firstDay = _time(calendarDate).startOf('month');
    const lastDay = _time(calendarDate).endOf('month').date();

        let start = firstDay.day();
    let currentDay = firstDay;

        if (start === 0) {
            currentDay.subtract(7, 'days');
            start = 7;
        } else {
            currentDay.subtract(start, 'days');

        let daysInCalendar = 28;
        if ((start + lastDay) >= 35) {
            daysInCalendar = 42;
        } else if ((start + lastDay) > 28) {
            daysInCalendar = 35;

        const daysArray = A();
    for (let i=0; i<daysInCalendar; i++) {
            const dayState = _state({timestamp: currentDay.valueOf(), minDate, maxDate, type: 'date'});
            dayState.set('weekNumber', Math.ceil((i+1)/7));

            if (dayState.get('date').year() === currentCalendar.year()) {
                dayState.set('isCurrentYear', true);

                if (dayState.get('date').month() === currentCalendar.month()) {
                    dayState.set('isCurrentMonth', true);

            if (dayState.get('date').year() === currentTime.year() && dayState.get('date').month() === currentTime.month() && dayState.get('date').date() === currentTime.date()) {
                dayState.set('isCurrentDay', true);

            if (startRange && endRange) {
                let mili = dayState.get('date').valueOf();
                if (startRange <= mili && mili <= endRange) {
                    dayState.set('isRange', true);

                    if (mili === startRange) {
                        dayState.set('isRangeStart', true);

                    if (mili === endRange) {
                        dayState.set('isRangeEnd', true);

            currentDay.add(1, 'days');


   * groups days into week objects
   * @private
   * @method groupByWeeks
  groupByWeeks(completeArray) {
    let grouped = A([]);

    grouped.pushObject(completeArray.filterBy('weekNumber', 1));
    grouped.pushObject(completeArray.filterBy('weekNumber', 2));
    grouped.pushObject(completeArray.filterBy('weekNumber', 3));
    grouped.pushObject(completeArray.filterBy('weekNumber', 4));
    grouped.pushObject(completeArray.filterBy('weekNumber', 5));
    grouped.pushObject(completeArray.filterBy('weekNumber', 6));

    set(this, 'groupedArray', grouped);

   * puts days into week objects
   * @private
   * @method inRange
   * @param lower {number} first number in week
   * @param upper {number} last number in week
   * @return {boolean} true if day is in week, otherwise false
  inRange(lower, upper) {
    return function (each, index) {
      return (index >= lower && index < upper);

   * receives a moment object and sets it to timestamp
   * @private
   * @method setTimestamp
   * @param timestamp {number} date time in milliseconds
  setTimestamp(timestamp) {
    set(this, 'timestamp', timestamp);

        const time = _time(timestamp);
        set(this, 'year', time.format('YYYY'));
        set(this, 'month', time.format('MMM'));
        set(this, 'day', time.format('DD'));
        set(this, 'dayOfWeek', time.format('ddd'));

   * receives a moment object and sets it to calendarTimestamp
   * @private
   * @method setCalendarDate
   * @param timestamp {number} timestamp in milliseconds
  setCalendarDate(timestamp) {
    set(this, 'calendarDate', timestamp);

     * validates the next and prev arrows can move in their
     * respective directions
     * @method validateNextPrev
     * @param time {number} timestamp in milliseconds
     * @return {void}
    validateNextPrev(time) {
        // validates the timestamp is inbounds for the
        // given `name: string` (isPrev | isNext) and `time: number`
        const validateTime = (name, npTime) => {
            // sets the prop according to `name: string` and `inBounds: boolean`
            const update = inBounds => set(this, name, inBounds);

            // call update to set the property
                name === 'isPrev'
                    ? !this.isBeforeMin(npTime)
                    : !this.isAfterMax(npTime)

        // validate that isPrev and isNext will be inBounds
        // if the next or prev arrows are clicked
        validateTime('isPrev', getPrevDate(time));
        validateTime('isNext', getNextDate(time));

    isBeforeMin(time) {
        // if the timestamp gets set to a date before the
        // minDate then allow the back arrow to go back as
        // far as the current timestamp
        if (_time.isDateBefore(get(this, 'timestamp'), time)) {
            return false;
        return _time.isDateBefore(time, get(this, 'stateManager.minDate'));

    isAfterMax(time) {
        // if the timestamp gets set to a date after the
        // maxDate then allow the forward arrow to go forward as
        // far as the current timestamp
        if (_time.isDateAfter(get(this, 'timestamp'), time)) {
            return false;
        return _time.isDateAfter(time, get(this, 'stateManager.maxDate'));

    triggerUpdate(flag) {
            `flag is required and must be on of [${YEAR_FLAG}, ${MONTH_FLAG}, ${WEEKDAY_FLAG}, ${DAY_FLAG}]`,
            [YEAR_FLAG, MONTH_FLAG, WEEKDAY_FLAG, DAY_FLAG].indexOf(flag) !== -1

        set(this, 'calendarActiveSection', flag);
        this.sendAction('onUpdate', flag, get(this, 'timestamp'), get(this, 'calendarDate'));

  actions: {

     * sets the timestamp to the clicked day
     * @param day {object} moment object of the clicked day
     * @event dayClicked
        dayClicked(dayState) {
            if (!get(dayState, 'isDisabled')) {
                const day = get(dayState, 'date');
                const time = _time(get(this, 'timestamp'))



     * subtracts 1 month to the calendarDate
     * @event subtractMonth
    subtractMonth() {
            // get next date
            const calTime = getPrevDate(get(this, 'calendarDate'));

            if (!this.isBeforeMin(calTime)) {
                // set calendar date

                // trigger update

     * adds 1 month to the calendarDate
     * @event addMonth
        addMonth() {
            // get next date
            const calTime = getNextDate(get(this, 'calendarDate'));

            if (!this.isAfterMax(calTime)) {
                // set calendar date

                // trigger update

         * Sets the new header selection
         * @event activateHeader
        activateHeader(section) {
            // trigger update for input to reposition selection

 * Creates a timestamp for the first day of the next months
 * @method getNextDate
 * @param time {number} timestamp in milliseconds
 * @return {number} timestamp in milliseconds
const getNextDate = time => (
    _time(time).add(1, 'months').startOf('month').timestamp()

 * Creates a timestamp for the last day of the previous months
 * @method getPrevDate
 * @param time {number} timestamp in milliseconds
 * @return {number} timestamp in milliseconds
const getPrevDate = time => (
    _time(time).subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month').timestamp()