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Test Coverage
 * @module Components
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { get, set, computed, observer } from '@ember/object';
import { isEmpty } from '@ember/utils';
import _time from '@busy-web/ember-date-time/utils/time';
import { bind, unbind, isEventLocal } from '@busy-web/ember-date-time/utils/event';
import {
} from '@busy-web/ember-date-time/utils/constant';
import layout from '../../templates/components/private/date-time-menu';

 * `Component/CompinedPicker`
 * @class CombinedPicker
 * @namespace Components
 * @extends Component
export default Component.extend({

   * @private
   * @property classNames
   * @type String
   * @default combined-picker
  classNames: ['busyweb', 'emberdatetime', 'p-date-time-menu'],
  layout: layout,

    stateManager: null,

   * timestamp that is passed in when using combined-picker
   * @private
   * @property timestamp
   * @type Number
  timestamp: null,

   * can be passed in so a date before the minDate cannot be selected
   * @private
   * @property minDate
   * @type Number
   * @optional
  minDate: null,

   * can be passed in so a date after the maxDate cannot be selected
   * @private
   * @property maxDate
   * @type Number
   * @optional
  maxDate: null,

   * can be passed in as true or false, true sets timepicker to handle unix timestamp * 1000, false sets it to handle unix timestamp
   * @private
   * @property isMilliseconds
   * @type boolean
   * @optional
  isMilliseconds: null,

   * String as the current date of the timestamp
   * @private
   * @property currentDate
   * @type String
  currentDate: computed('timestamp', function() {
        return _time(get(this, 'timestamp')).format('MMM DD, YYYY');

   * String as the current time of the timestamp
   * @private
   * @property currentTime
   * @type String
  currentTime: computed('timestamp', function() {
        return _time(get(this, 'timestamp')).format('hh:mm A');

   * if they cancel the change this is the timestamp the picker will revert back to
   * @private
   * @property backupTimestamp
   * @type Number
  backupTimestamp: null,

   * the last active section that was open in the pickers
   * @private
   * @property lastActiveSection
   * @type String
  lastActiveState: null,

   * sets currentTime and currentDate, sets a timestamp to now if a timestamp wasnt passed in
   * @private
   * @method init
   * @constructor
    init(...args) {


    setupTime: observer('stateManager.timestamp', function() {
        if (!this.get('isDestroyed')) {
            set(this, 'minDate', get(this, 'stateManager.minDate'));
            set(this, 'maxDate', get(this, 'stateManager.maxDate'));
            set(this, 'timestamp', get(this, 'stateManager.timestamp'));
            set(this, 'backupTimestamp', get(this, 'timestamp'));

     * binds a click event that will call the provided
     * action anytime a click occurs not within the component
     * NOTE:
     * The action name provided will get called everytime a click occurs so the
     * action should only handle on thing like closing a drop down vs toggling a dropdown.
     * this will prevent accidently opening the dialog when it is closed and a click occurs.
     * @public
     * @method bindClick
     * @return {void}
    bindClick() {
        // save this for later
        const _this = this;

        // get the components elementId
        let elementId = get(this, 'elementId');

        // make sure an elementId exists on the class
        // using this mixin
        if (!isEmpty(elementId)) {
            // bind the click listener
            bind(document, 'click', elementId, function(evt) {
                // check if the evt.target is local to this elements main parent
                let isLocal = isEventLocal(evt, elementId, '.emberdatetime');

                // if the clicked element id does not match the components id and the clicked
                // elements parents dont have an id that matches then call the action provided
                //if (el.attr('id') !== elementId && el.parents(`#${elementId}`).length === 0) {
                if (!isLocal) {
                    // send a call to the actionName

                    // call handler
                    return false;
            }, { capture: true, rebind: true });

    bindKeyup() {
        // save this for later
        const _this = this;

        // get the components elementId
        let elementId = get(this, 'elementId');

        // make sure an elementId exists on the class
        // using this mixin
        if (!isEmpty(elementId)) {
            bind(document, 'keyup', elementId, function(evt) {
                let key = evt.which;
                if (key === 27) {
                } else if (key === 13) {
            }, { capture: true, rebind: true });

     * method to unbind a click event that may have been
     * setup by this components
     * @public
     * @method unbindClick
    unbindClick() {
        // get the components elementId
        let elementId = get(this, 'elementId');

        // make sure an elementId exists on the class
        // using this mixin
        if (!isEmpty(elementId)) {
            // unbind any previous click listeners
            unbind(document, 'click', elementId);

    unbindKeyup() {
        // get the components elementId
        let elementId = get(this, 'elementId');

        // make sure an elementId exists on the class
        // using this mixin
        if (!isEmpty(elementId)) {
            // unbind any previous click listeners
            unbind(document, 'keyup', elementId);

   * sets up the click handler to close the dialogs if anything outside is clicked
   * @private
   * @method didInsertElement
    didInsertElement(...args) {


   * removes the click handler to close the dialogs if anything outside is clicked
   * @private
   * @method removeClick
    willDestroyElement(...args) {


   * closes dialog if tabbed on last input
   * @private
   * @method observeCloseOnTab
    observeCloseOnTab: observer('stateManager.isOpen', function() {
        if (get(this, 'stateManager.isOpen')) {
        } else {

    isClock: computed('stateManager.section', function() {
        let section = get(this, 'stateManager.section');
        return (section === HOUR_FLAG || section === MINUTE_FLAG || section === MERIDIAN_FLAG);

    isCalendar: computed('stateManager.section', function() {
        let section = get(this, 'stateManager.section');
        return (section === YEAR_FLAG || section === MONTH_FLAG || section === DAY_FLAG || section === WEEKDAY_FLAG);

    bindHandler() {

    closeHandler(type) {
        if (!isEmpty(type)) {

    actions: {
        update(focus, time, calendar) {
            this.sendAction('onUpdate', focus, time, calendar);

        change(focus, time, calendar) {
            this.sendAction('onChange', focus, time, calendar);

     * changes dialog from clock to calendar and vice versa
     * @event togglePicker
        togglePicker() {
            let section = HOUR_FLAG;
            if (get(this, 'isClock')) {
                section = DAY_FLAG;
            this.sendAction('onUpdate', section, get(this, 'timestamp'));

         * closes all dialogs
         * @event togglePicker
        close() {
            if (!get(this, 'isDestroyed')) {
                set(this, 'backupTimestamp', get(this, 'timestamp'));

     * closes all dialogs and resets the timestamp
     * @event togglePicker
        cancel() {
            if (!get(this, 'isDestroyed')) {
                set(this, 'timestamp', get(this, 'backupTimestamp'));

        onHeaderSelect(type) {
            //if (!get(this, 'isDestroyed')) {
            //    set(this, 'stateManager.section', type);
            this.sendAction('onUpdate', type, get(this, 'timestamp'));