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Test Coverage
# Contributing

Contributions are **welcome** and will be fully **credited**.
We accept contributions via Pull Requests on [Github](

## Issues and bugs

Found a bug or other issue? You can help getting it fixed by submitting an issue!
We really appreciate any help even if you are not able to fix it yourself.
However, if you are able to fix it yourself feel free to create a pull request with a reference to the issue.

### Submitting an issue

Before you create a new issue, try and search if similar issues have been submitted earlier.
Sometimes it is best to join in on an existing discussion instead of creating duplicate issues.
In case you want to create a new issue please provide as much information as requested in the template.

### Submitting a pull request

When you create a new pull request, always make sure you are referencing the accompanying issue.
That way we can keep discussions about the issue separately from code reviews.
Make sure you follow everything and provide as much information as requested in the template.

## Commit message guidelines

This project is following the [conventional commit]( guidelines to increase maintainability and make the history readable.
Please write commit subject/description in succinct English, no capitalization, no punctuation at the end and imperative present tense.