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# Expo - Semantic Release

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An [Expo][expo] implementation for [semantic release][semantic-release], so you don't have to bother.


## How it works

Semantic release will first determine a new version based on your likings. 
This plugin will then search for your [Expo manifest(s)][expo-manifest] and update it accordingly. 
Not only will this update the [`version`][expo-version] property within the manifest. 
It will also update the [Android `versionCode`][expo-version-android] and [iOS `buildNumber`][expo-version-ios] platform too, based on the [configuration](#configuration).

### Verify Conditions

Before such a smooth, carefree release can take place, the plugin must validate the existence of a manifest. 
This check takes place in the [verify condition][semantic-release-steps] step of semantic release.
The name of the Expo app, defined in the [`name` property][expo-name], is dumped to console to provide some feedback for successful validation.

### Prepare

This plugin writes the actual changes to the manifest during preparation.
After this step, you can [publish to Expo][expo-publish], [create a new build][expo-build] or add the changes in a [release commit][semantic-release-commit].
The [`version` property][expo-version] within the manifest is always updated. 
All of the platform specific changes are only applied when the platform is enabled.

> It is highly recommended to add the Expo manifest (`app.json`) to the [list of assets][semantic-release-assets] to include in the release commit.

## Usage

Here is an example configuration with automated changelogs, `package.json` versions, Expo and git release commits.

    "verifyConditions": [
    "prepare": [
            "path": "@semantic-release/git",
            "assets": [
    "publish": false,
    "success": false,
    "fail": false

## Configuration

By default this plugin uses configuration that should work straight out of the box.
Unfortunately, all apps are different and sometimes requires a specific release flow.
To satisfy these needs, you can customize some of these settings below.

### Multiple manifests

Normally, an Expo app should have a single manifest located at `/app.json`.
But you might have good reasons to use non-standard or multiple manifests.
For example, if you need to [create multiple versions/flavours and allow then to work side-by-side][info-multiple-manifests], you need multiple manifests.
To configure this plugin, you can provide a list of manifests to update.

    "prepare": [
            "path": "semantic-release-expo",
            "manifests": [

> `manifests` accepts either a single string, or a list of strings.

### Version templates

Unfortunately, right now there is no "universal" versioning which can be used across all platforms.
For exmaple, iOS can simply use the exact semantic version (e.g. `2.5.1`) but [Android can't][info-android-semver].
To allow multiple "tactics" or personal favorites, you can change the so called "versioning templates".
These templates uses [lodash template][lodash-template] to build new versions.
Every version string, `version`, `Android versionCode` and `iOS buildNumber` can be modified independently.

    "prepare": [
            "path": "semantic-release-expo",
            "versions": {
                "version": "${next.raw}",
                "android": "${code}",
                "ios": "${next.raw}"

> `versions` accepts either a single string for all versions, or a (partial) object with templates. By default the `${recommended}` template is used.

#### Version templates variables

Currently the following variables are available within the templates.

name        | type                    | description
---         | ---                     | ---
expo        | [`SemVer`][info-semver] | The semver-coerced Expo SDK version
last        | [`SemVer`][info-semver] | The semver-coerced last release version
next        | [`SemVer`][info-semver] | The semver coerced next release version
code        | `Number`                | The (Android) version code, using the [versioning approach by Maxi Rosson][info-android-versioncode]
increment   | `Number`                | An incremented number of the previous version, [discouraged because of non-deterministic behaviour][repo-issue-increments].
recommended | `String` or `Number`    | _differs per versioning/platform, listed below_

##### Recommended per version type

version                                     | example     | description
---                                         | ---         | ---
[version][expo-version]                     | `1.2.3`     | The "raw" next release version (also available in `${next.raw}`)
[Android versionCode][expo-version-android] | `290010203` | The [versioning approach by Maxi Rosson][info-android-versioncode] (same as `${code}`)
[iOS buildNumber][expo-version-ios]         | `1.2.3`     | The "raw" next release version (also available in `${next.raw}`)

> In these examples Expo SDK `29.x.x` and SemVer `1.2.3` is used.

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.


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<p align="center">
    with :heart: byCedric & <a href="">Contributors</a>