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{% extends 'layout/admin/shop/article.html' %}
{% from 'macros/admin/shop/article.html' import render_article_link, render_article_temporal_availability %}
{% from 'macros/admin/shop/order.html' import render_order_payment_state %}
{% from 'macros/icons.html' import render_icon %}
{% from 'macros/misc.html' import render_progress_bar, render_tag %}
{% set current_page_shop = shop %}
{% set current_tab = 'article' %}
{% set page_title = [_('Article'), article.item_number] %}

{% block head %}
.progress {
  height: 0.3rem;
  margin-top: 0.5rem;

.progress-bar.color--available {
  background-color: #11aa22;

.progress-bar.color--ordered {
  background-color: #eecc00;
{%- endblock %}

{% block body %}

  <div class="row row--space-between block">
      <h1 class="title">{{ _('Article') }}</h1>
      <div class="button-row is-right-aligned">
        {%- if has_current_user_permission('shop_article.update') %}
        <a class="button" href="{{ url_for('.update_form', }}">{{ render_icon('edit') }} <span>{{ _('Edit') }}</span></a>
        {%- endif %}

  <div class="row row--space-between row--wrap block">
    <div class="box column--grow">

      <div class="data-label">{{ pgettext('article', 'Name') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">{{ }}</div>

    <div class="box">

      <div class="row row--space-between">

          <div class="data-label">{{ _('Tax rate') }}</div>
          <div class="data-value">{{ article.tax_rate|tax_rate_as_percentage }}</div>


          <div class="data-label">{{ _('Unit price') }}</div>
          <div class="data-value" style="font-size: 1.5rem;">{{ article.price|moneyformat }}</div>



  <div class="grid article-grid block" style="--column-min-width: 12rem;">
    <div class="box">

      <div class="data-label">{{ _('Type') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">
        {%- if == 'ticket' %}
        {{ render_icon('ticket') }}
        {%- elif == 'ticket_bundle' %}
        {{ render_icon('ticket-bundle') }}
        {%- endif %}
        {{ type_label }}

      {%- if in ('ticket', 'ticket_bundle') %}
      <div class="data-label">{{ _('Party') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">
        {%- if ticket_party %}
        <a href="{{ url_for('admin_dashboard.view_party', party_id=ticket_category.party_id) }}">{{ ticket_party.title }}</a>
        {%- else %}
        <em>{{ _('unknown')|dim }}</em> ({{ article.type_params['ticket_category_id'] }})
        {%- endif %}

      <div class="data-label">{{ _('Ticket category') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">
        {%- if ticket_category %}
        <a href="{{ url_for('ticketing_category_admin.index', party_id=ticket_category.party_id) }}">{{ ticket_category.title }}</a>
        {%- else %}
        <em>{{ _('unknown')|dim }}</em> ({{ article.type_params['ticket_category_id'] }})
        {%- endif %}
      {%- endif %}

      {%- if == 'ticket_bundle' %}
      <div class="data-label">{{ _('Ticket quantity') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">{{ article.type_params['ticket_quantity'] }}</div>
      {%- endif %}

    <div class="box">

      <div class="data-label">{{ _('Availability') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">
        <div style="line-height: 1.5;">
          <div class="progress">
            {{ render_progress_bar(article.quantity, article.total_quantity, 'color--available') }}
            {{ render_progress_bar(totals[], article.total_quantity, 'color--ordered') }}
          <div class="row row--space-between" style="font-size: 0.75rem;">
              <strong>{{ article.quantity }}</strong> {{ _('available') }}{% if article.quantity < 1 %} {{ render_tag(_('sold out')) }}{% endif %}<br>
              <strong>{{ totals[] }}</strong> {{ _('ordered') }}<br>
              <strong>{{ totals[PaymentState.paid] }}</strong> {{ _('paid') }}
            <div class="dimmed">{{ _('of') }} {{ article.total_quantity }}</div>

      <div class="data-label">{{ _('Period') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">{{ render_article_temporal_availability(article) }}</div>

    <div class="box">

      <div class="data-label">{{ _('Maximum quantity per order') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">{{ article.max_quantity_per_order }}</div>

      <div class="data-label">{{ _('Can only be ordered indirectly') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">{{ _('yes') if article.not_directly_orderable else _('no') }}</div>

      <div class="data-label">{{ _('Must be ordered separately') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">{{ _('yes') if article.separate_order_required else _('no') }}</div>

      <div class="data-label">{{ _('Shipping required') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">{{ _('yes') if article.processing_required else _('no') }}</div>

    <div class="box">

      <div class="data-label">{{ _('Attached to articles') }}</div>
      <div class="data-value">
        {%- if article.articles_attached_to %}
        <ol class="bare">
        {%- for attached_article in article.articles_attached_to|sort(attribute='attached_to_article.item_number') %}
        <li>{{ render_article_link(attached_article.attached_to_article) }} ({{ attached_article.quantity }} {{ _('pieces') }})</li>
        {%- endfor %}
        {%- else %}
        {{ _('none')|dim }}
        {%- endif %}

      <div class="row row--space-between mt">
          <div class="data-label">{{ _('Attached articles') }}</div>
        {%- if has_current_user_permission('shop_article.update') %}
          <a class="button is-compact" href="{{ url_for('.attachment_create_form', }}" title="{{ _('Attach article') }}">{{ render_icon('attached') }}</a></li>
        {%- endif %}
      <div class="data-value">
        {%- if article.attached_articles %}
        {%- for attached_article in article.attached_articles|sort(attribute='article.item_number') %}
        <div class="row row--space-between">
          <div>{{ attached_article.quantity }} &times; {{ render_article_link(attached_article.article) }}</div>
          <div><a data-action="attachment-remove" href="{{ url_for('.attachment_remove', }}" class="button is-compact" title="{{ _('Remove attached article') }}">{{ render_icon('remove') }}</a></div>
        {%- endfor %}
        {%- else %}
        {{ _('none')|dim }}
        {%- endif %}


  <div class="row row--space-between is-vcentered">
      <h2>{{ _('Actions') }}</h2>
    {%- if has_current_user_permission('shop_article.update') %}
      <div class="button-row is-right-aligned">
        <div class="dropdown">
          <button class="dropdown-toggle button is-compact"><span>{{ render_icon('add') }} {{ _('Add action') }}</span> {{ render_icon('chevron-down') }}</button>
          <ol class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu--right">
            <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ url_for('.action_create_form_for_badge_awarding', }}">{{ _('Award badge') }}</a></li>
            {%- if not in ('ticket', 'ticket_bundle') %}
            <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ url_for('.action_create_form_for_tickets_creation', }}">{{ _('Create tickets') }}</a></li>
            <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ url_for('.action_create_form_for_ticket_bundles_creation', }}">{{ _('Create ticket bundles') }}</a></li>
            {%- endif %}
    {%- endif %}

  <div class="block">{{ _('An action will be executed if an order contains an article that has an action assigned and the order state is changed to one of the states listed for the article.') }}</div>

  {%- if actions %}
  <table class="itemlist is-vcentered is-wide">
        <th>{{ _('Payment state') }}</th>
        <th>{{ _('Procedure') }}<br>{{ _('Parameters') }}</th>
      {%- for action in actions %}
        <td>{{ render_order_payment_state(action.payment_state) }}</td>
        <td class="monospace">{{ action.procedure_name }}<br>{{ action.parameters }}</td>
          {%- if has_current_user_permission('shop_article.update') %}
          <div class="button-row is-compact is-right-aligned">
            <a data-action="action-remove" href="{{ url_for('.action_remove', }}" class="button is-compact" title="{{ _('Remove action') }}">{{ render_icon('remove') }}</a>
          {%- endif %}
      {%- endfor %}
  {%- else %}
  <div class="box">
    <div class="dimmed-box centered">{{ _('No actions are assigned for this article.') }}</div>
  {%- endif %}

{%- endblock %}

{% block scripts %}
      onDomReady(() => {
        confirmed_delete_on_click_then_reload('[data-action="attachment-remove"]', '{{ _('Remove attached article?') }}');
        confirmed_delete_on_click_then_reload('[data-action="action-remove"]', '{{ _('Remove action?') }}');
{%- endblock %}