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Create BYCEPS Configuration File

To run BYCEPS, a configuration file is required. Those usually reside in

There are two examples, ``development_example.toml`` and
``production_example.toml``, that you can use as a base for your
specific configuration.

For starters, create a copy of the development example file to adjust as
we go along:

.. code-block:: sh

    $ cp config/development_example.toml config/development.toml

Set a Secret Key

A secret key is, among other things, required for login sessions. So
let's generate one in a cryptographically secure way:

.. code-block:: sh

    (venv)$ byceps generate-secret-key

Set this value in your configuration file so the line looks like this:

.. code-block:: toml

    SECRET_KEY = "3ac1c416bfacb82918d56720d1c3104fd96e8b8d4fbee42343ae7512a9ced293"

.. attention:: Do **not** use the above key (or any other key you copied
   from anywhere). Generate **your own** secret key!

.. attention:: Do **not** use the same key for development and
   production environments. Generate **separate** secret keys!

Specify SMTP Server

BYCEPS needs to know of an SMTP server, or mail/message transport agent
(MTA), to forward outgoing emails to.

The default is to expect a local one on ``localhost`` and port 25
without authentication or encryption, like Sendmail_ or Postfix_.

Another option is to use an external one (authentication and encryption
are important here!) with a configuration like this:

.. code-block:: toml

    MAIL_HOST = "smtp.provider.example"
    MAIL_PORT = 465
    MAIL_USE_SSL = true
    MAIL_USERNAME = "example-username"
    MAIL_PASSWORD = "example-password"

See the available ``MAIL_*`` :doc:`configuration properties

.. _Sendmail:
.. _Postfix: