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Test Coverage
'use strict';
var util = (function(_, cbio) {
  return (function() {
    function tableDownload(fileType, content) {
      switch (fileType) {
        case 'tsv':
          csvDownload(content.fileName, content.data);

    function pieChartDownload(fileType, content) {
      switch (fileType) {
        case 'tsv':
          csvDownload(content.fileName || 'data', content.data);
        case 'svg':
          pieChartCanvasDownload(content, {
            filename: content.fileName + '.svg'
        case 'pdf':
          pieChartCanvasDownload(content, {
            filename: content.fileName + '.pdf',
            contentType: 'application/pdf',
            servletName: window.cbioURL + 'svgtopdf.do'

    function getPieWidthInfo(data) {
      var length = data.title.length;
      var labels = _.values(data.labels);
      var labelMaxName = _.last(_.sortBy(_.pluck(labels, 'name'),
        function(item) {
          return item.toString().length;
      var labelMaxNumber = _.last(_.sortBy(_.pluck(labels, 'cases'),
        function(item) {
          return item.toString().length;
      var labelMaxFreq = _.last(_.sortBy(_.pluck(labels, 'sampleRate'),
        function(item) {
          return item.toString().length;

      if (labelMaxName > length) {
        length = labelMaxName;
      length = length * 10 + labelMaxNumber * 10 + labelMaxFreq * 10 + 30;

      return {
        svg: length,
        name: labelMaxName > data.title.length ? labelMaxName :
        number: labelMaxNumber,
        freq: labelMaxFreq

    function pieChartCanvasDownload(data, downloadOpts) {
      var _svgElement = '';

      var _width = getPieWidthInfo(data);
      var _pieLabelString = '';
      var _pieLabelYCoord = 0;
      var _svg = $('#' + data.chartId + ' svg');
      var _svgClone = _svg.clone();
      var _previousHidden = false;

      if ($('#' + data.chartDivId).css('display') === 'none') {
        _previousHidden = true;
        $('#' + data.chartDivId).css('display', 'block');

      var _svgHeight = _svg.height();
      var _text = _svgClone.find('text');
      var _textLength = _text.length;
      var _slice = _svgClone.find('g .pie-slice');
      var _sliceLength = _slice.length;
      var _pieLabel = _.sortBy(_.values(data.labels), function(item) {
        return -item.cases;
      var _pieLabelLength = _pieLabel.length;
      var i = 0;

      if (_previousHidden) {
        $('#' + data.chartDivId).css('display', 'none');

      // Change pie slice text styles
      for (i = 0; i < _textLength; i++) {
          'fill': 'white',
          'font-size': '14px',
          'stroke': 'white',
          'stroke-width': '1px'

      // Change pie slice styles
      for (i = 0; i < _sliceLength; i++) {
          'stroke': 'white',
          'stroke-width': '1px'

      if (_width.svg < 180) {
        _width.svg = 180;

      // Draw sampleSize header
      _pieLabelString += '<g transform="translate(0, ' +
        _pieLabelYCoord + ')"><text x="13" y="10" ' +
        'style="font-size:12px; font-weight:bold">' +
        data.title + '</text>' +
        '<text x="' + _width.name * 10 + '" y="10" ' +
        'style="font-size:12px; font-weight:bold">#</text>' +
        '<text x="' + (_width.name + _width.number) * 10 + '" y="10" ' +
        'style="font-size:12px; font-weight:bold">Freq</text>' +
        '<line x1="0" y1="14" x2="' +
        ((_width.name + _width.number) * 10 - 20) + '" y2="14" ' +
        'style="stroke:black;stroke-width:2"></line>' +
        '<line x1="' + (_width.name * 10 - 10) + '" y1="14" x2="' +
        (_width.svg - 20) + '" y2="14" ' +
        'style="stroke:black;stroke-width:2"></line>' +
        '<line x1="' + ((_width.name + _width.number) * 10 - 10) +
        '" y1="14" x2="' + (_width.svg - 20) + '" y2="14" ' +
        'style="stroke:black;stroke-width:2"></line>' +

      _pieLabelYCoord += 18;

      // Draw pie label into output
      for (i = 0; i < _pieLabelLength; i++) {
        var _label = _pieLabel[i];

        _pieLabelString += '<g transform="translate(0, ' +
          _pieLabelYCoord + ')"><rect height="10" width="10" fill="' +
          _label.color + '"></rect><text x="13" y="10" ' +
          'style="font-size:15px">' + _label.name + '</text>' +
          '<text x="' + _width.name * 10 + '" y="10" ' +
          'style="font-size:15px">' + _label.cases + '</text>' +
          '<text x="' + (_width.name + _width.number) * 10 + '" y="10" ' +
          'style="font-size:15px">' + _label.sampleRate + '</text>' +

        _pieLabelYCoord += 15;

      _svgClone.children().each(function(i, e) {
        _svgElement += cbio.download.serializeHtml(e);

      var svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ' +
        'version="1.1" width="' + _width.svg + '" height="' +
        (180 + _pieLabelYCoord) + '">' +
        '<g><text x="' + (_width.svg / 2) + '" y="20" ' +
        'style="font-weight: bold;" text-anchor="middle">' +
        data.title + '</text></g>' +
        '<g transform="translate(' + (_width.svg / 2 - 65) + ', 20)">' +
        _svgElement + '</g>' +
        '<g transform="translate(10, ' + (_svgHeight + 20) + ')">' +
        _pieLabelString + '</g></svg>';

      cbio.download.initDownload(svg, downloadOpts);

    function barChartCanvasDownload(data, downloadOpts) {
      var _svgElement = '';
      var _svg = $('#' + data.chartId + '>svg').clone();
      var _svgWidth = Number(_svg.attr('width'));
      var _svgHeight = Number(_svg.attr('height')) + 20;
      var _brush = _svg.find('g.brush');
      var _brushWidth = Number(_brush.find('rect.extent').attr('width'));
      var i = 0;

      // Remove brush if the width is zero(no rush presents)
      // Otherwise width 0 brush will still show in the PDF
      if (_brushWidth === 0) {

          'fill-opacity': '0.2',
          'fill': '#2986e2'

      _brush.find('.resize path')
          fill: '#eee',
          stroke: '#666'

      // Change deselected bar chart
      var _chartBody = _svg.find('.chart-body');
      var _deselectedCharts = _chartBody.find('.bar.deselected');
      var _deselectedChartsLength = _deselectedCharts.length;

      for (i = 0; i < _deselectedChartsLength; i++) {
          stroke: '',
          fill: '#ccc'

      // Change axis style
      var _axis = _svg.find('.axis');
      var _axisDomain = _axis.find('.domain');
      var _axisDomainLength = _axisDomain.length;
      var _axisTick = _axis.find('.tick.major line');
      var _axisTickLength = _axisTick.length;

      for (i = 0; i < _axisDomainLength; i++) {
          'fill': 'white',
          'fill-opacity': '0',
          'stroke': 'black'

      for (i = 0; i < _axisTickLength; i++) {
          stroke: 'black'

      // Remove clip-path from chart-body. Clip-path causes issue when
      // generating pdf and useless in here.
      // Related topic: https://github.com/dc-js/dc.js/issues/730
      _chartBody.attr('clip-path', '');

      // Change x/y axis text size
      var _chartText = _svg.find('.axis text');
      var _chartTextLength = _chartText.length;

      for (i = 0; i < _chartTextLength; i++) {
          'font-size': '12px'

      _svg.children().each(function(i, e) {
        _svgElement += cbio.download.serializeHtml(e);

      var svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" ' +
        'width="' + _svgWidth + '" height="' + _svgHeight + '">' +
        '<g><text x="' + (_svgWidth / 2) + '" y="20" ' +
        'style="font-weight: bold; text-anchor: middle">' +
        data.title + '</text></g>' +
        '<g transform="translate(0, 20)">' + _svgElement + '</g></svg>';

        svg, downloadOpts);

      _brush.css('display', '');

    function survivalChartDownload(fileType, content) {
      switch (fileType) {
        case 'svg':
          survivalChartCanvasDownload(content, {
            filename: content.fileName + '.svg'
        case 'pdf':
          survivalChartCanvasDownload(content, {
            filename: content.fileName + '.pdf',
            contentType: 'application/pdf',
            servletName: window.cbioURL + 'svgtopdf.do'
      case 'tsv':
        csvDownload(content.fileName, content.data);

    function survivalChartCanvasDownload(data, downloadOpts) {
      var _svgElement;
      var _svgTitle;
      var _labelTextMaxLength = 0;
      var _numOfLabels = 0;
      var _svg = $('#' + data.chartDivId).clone();
      var _svgWidth = Number($('#' + data.chartDivId + ' svg').attr('width')) + 50;
      var _svgheight = Number($('#' + data.chartDivId + ' svg').attr('height')) + 50;

      // This is for PDF download. fill transparent will be treated as black.
      _svg.find('rect').each(function(index, item) {
        if ($(item).css('fill') === 'transparent') {
          $(item).css('fill', 'white');
      _svgElement = cbio.download.serializeHtml(_svg.find('svg')[0]);

      _svgWidth += _labelTextMaxLength * 14;

      if (_svgheight < _numOfLabels * 20) {
        _svgheight = _numOfLabels * 20 + 40;

      _svgTitle = '<g><text text-anchor="middle" x="210" y="30" ' +
        'style="font-weight:bold">' + data.title + '</text></g>';

      _svgElement = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ' +
        'version="1.1" width="' + _svgWidth + 'px" height="' + _svgheight +
        'px" style="font-size:14px">' +
        _svgTitle + '<g transform="translate(0,40)">' +
        _svgElement + '</g>' +

        _svgElement, downloadOpts);

    function csvDownload(fileName, content) {
      fileName = fileName || 'test';
      var downloadOpts = {
        filename: fileName + '.txt',
        contentType: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8',
        preProcess: false

      cbio.download.initDownload(content, downloadOpts);

    function barChartDownload(fileType, content) {
      switch (fileType) {
      case 'tsv':
        csvDownload(content.fileName || 'data', content.data);
      case 'svg':
        barChartCanvasDownload(content, {
          filename: content.fileName + '.svg'
      case 'pdf':
        barChartCanvasDownload(content, {
          filename: content.fileName + '.pdf',
          contentType: 'application/pdf',
          servletName: window.cbioURL + 'svgtopdf.do'

     * @author Adam Abeshouse
     * @param {number | string} a
     * @param {number | string} b
     * @param {boolean} asc
     * @return {number} result
    function compareValues(a, b, asc) {
      var ret = 0;
      if (a !== b) {
        if (a === null) {
          // a sorted to end
          ret = 1;
        } else if (b === null) {
          // b sorted to end
          ret = -1;
        } else {
          // neither are null
          if (typeof a === "number") {
            // sort numbers
            if (a < b) {
              ret = (asc ? -1 : 1);
            } else {
              // we know a !== b here so this case is a > b
              ret = (asc ? 1 : -1);
          } else if (typeof a === "string") {
            // sort strings
            ret = (asc ? 1 : -1) * (a.localeCompare(b));
      return ret;

    var content = {};

     * Convert number to specific precision end.
     * @param {number} number The number you want to convert.
     * @param {integer} precision Significant figures.
     * @param {number} threshold The upper bound threshold.
     * @return {number} Converted number.
    content.toPrecision = function(number, precision, threshold) {
      if (number >= 0.000001 && number < threshold) {
        return number.toExponential(precision);
      return number.toPrecision(precision);

     * iViz color schema.
     * @return {string[]} Color array.
    content.getColors = function() {
      return [
        '#2986e2', '#dc3912', '#f88508', '#109618',
        '#990099', '#0099c6', '#dd4477', '#66aa00',
        '#b82e2e', '#316395', '#994499', '#22aa99',
        '#aaaa11', '#6633cc', '#e67300', '#8b0707',
        '#651067', '#329262', '#5574a6', '#3b3eac',
        '#b77322', '#16d620', '#b91383', '#f4359e',
        '#9c5935', '#a9c413', '#2a778d', '#668d1c',
        '#bea413', '#0c5922', '#743411', '#743440',
        '#9986e2', '#6c3912', '#788508', '#609618',
        '#790099', '#5099c6', '#2d4477', '#76aa00',
        '#882e2e', '#916395', '#794499', '#92aa99',
        '#2aaa11', '#5633cc', '#667300', '#100707',
        '#751067', '#229262', '#4574a6', '#103eac',
        '#177322', '#66d620', '#291383', '#94359e',
        '#5c5935', '#29c413', '#6a778d', '#868d1c',
        '#5ea413', '#6c5922', '#243411', '#103440',
        '#2886e2', '#d93912', '#f28508', '#110618',
        '#970099', '#0109c6', '#d10477', '#68aa00',
        '#b12e2e', '#310395', '#944499', '#24aa99',
        '#a4aa11', '#6333cc', '#e77300', '#820707',
        '#610067', '#339262', '#5874a6', '#313eac',
        '#b67322', '#13d620', '#b81383', '#f8359e',
        '#935935', '#a10413', '#29778d', '#678d1c',
        '#b2a413', '#075922', '#763411', '#773440',
        '#2996e2', '#dc4912', '#f81508', '#104618',
        '#991099', '#0049c6', '#dd2477', '#663a00',
        '#b84e2e', '#312395', '#993499', '#223a99',
        '#aa1a11', '#6673cc', '#e66300', '#8b5707',
        '#656067', '#323262', '#5514a6', '#3b8eac',
        '#b71322', '#165620', '#b99383', '#f4859e',
        '#9c4935', '#a91413', '#2a978d', '#669d1c',
        '#be1413', '#0c8922', '#742411', '#744440',
        '#2983e2', '#dc3612', '#f88808', '#109518',
        '#990599', '#0092c6', '#dd4977', '#66a900',
        '#b8282e', '#316295', '#994199', '#22a499',
        '#aaa101', '#66310c', '#e67200', '#8b0907',
        '#651167', '#329962', '#5573a6', '#3b37ac',
        '#b77822', '#16d120', '#b91783', '#f4339e',
        '#9c5105', '#a9c713', '#2a710d', '#66841c',
        '#bea913', '#0c5822', '#743911', '#743740',
        '#298632', '#dc3922', '#f88588', '#109658',
        '#990010', '#009916', '#dd4447', '#66aa60',
        '#b82e9e', '#316365', '#994489', '#22aa69',
        '#aaaa51', '#66332c', '#e67390', '#8b0777',
        '#651037', '#329232', '#557486', '#3b3e4c',
        '#b77372', '#16d690', '#b91310', '#f4358e',
        '#9c5910', '#a9c493', '#2a773d', '#668d5c',
        '#bea463', '#0c5952', '#743471', '#743450',
        '#2986e3', '#dc3914', '#f88503', '#109614',
        '#990092', '#0099c8', '#dd4476', '#66aa04',
        '#b82e27', '#316397', '#994495', '#22aa93',
        '#aaaa14', '#6633c1', '#e67303', '#8b0705',
        '#651062', '#329267', '#5574a1', '#3b3ea5'

    content.idMapping = function(mappingObj, inputCases) {
      var _selectedMappingCases = {};

      _.each(inputCases, function(_case) {
        _.each(mappingObj[_case], function(_case) {
          _selectedMappingCases[_case] = '';

      return Object.keys(_selectedMappingCases);

    content.unique = function(arr_) {
      var tempArr_ = {};
      _.each(arr_, function(obj_) {
        if (tempArr_[obj_] === undefined) {
          tempArr_[obj_] = true;
      return Object.keys(tempArr_);

    content.isRangeFilter = function(filterObj) {
      if (filterObj.filterType !== undefined
        && filterObj.filterType === 'RangedFilter') {
        return true;
      return false;

    content.sortByAttribute = function(objs, attrName) {
      function compare(a, b) {
        if (a[attrName] < b[attrName]) {
          return -1;
        if (a[attrName] > b[attrName]) {
          return 1;
        return 0;

      return objs;

    content.download = function(chartType, fileType, content) {
      switch (chartType) {
      case 'pieChart':
        pieChartDownload(fileType, content);
      case 'barChart':
        barChartDownload(fileType, content);
      case 'survivalPlot':
        survivalChartDownload(fileType, content);
      case 'scatterPlot':
        survivalChartDownload(fileType, content);
      case 'table':
        tableDownload(fileType, content);

    content.restrictNumDigits = function(str) {
      if (!isNaN(str)) {
        var num = Number(str);
        if (num % 1 !== 0) {
          num = num.toFixed(2);
          str = num.toString();
      return str;

     * Get a random color hex.
     * @return {string} Color HEX
    content.getRandomColor = function() {
      var letters = '0123456789abcdef';
      var color = '#';
      for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)];
      return color;

     * Get a random color hex out of Colors in getColors function;
     * @return {string} Color HEX
    content.getRandomColorOutOfLib = function() {
      var color;
      while (!color || content.getColors().indexOf(color) !== -1) {
        color = content.getRandomColor();
      return color;

    content.calcFreq = function(fraction, numerator, toFixed) {
      var freq = 0;
      toFixed = isNaN(toFixed) ? 2 : Number(toFixed);
      if (numerator > 0) {
        freq = fraction / numerator * 100;
        freq = freq % 1 === 0 ? freq : freq.toFixed(toFixed);
      return freq + '%';

     * Remove illegal characters for DOM id
     * @param {string} str Original DOM id string
     * @return {string} trimmed id
    content.trimDomId = function(str) {
      if (str) {
        str = str.replace(/>/g, '_greater_than_');
        str = str.replace(/</g, '_less_than_');
        str = str.replace(/\+/g, '_plus_');
        str = str.replace(/-/g, '_minus_');
        str = str.replace(/^[^a-z]+|[^\w:.-]+/gi, '');
      return str;

     * Generate default DOM ids
     * @param {string} type Available types are: chartDivId, resetBtnId, chartId, chartTableId
     * @param {string} attrId
     * @return {string} Default DOM id
    content.getDefaultDomId = function(type, attrId) {
      var domId = '';
      if (type && attrId) {
        var attrId = this.trimDomId(attrId);
        switch (type) {
        case 'chartDivId':
          domId = 'chart-' + attrId + '-div';
        case 'resetBtnId':
          domId = 'chart-' + attrId + '-reset';
        case 'chartId':
          domId = 'chart-new-' + attrId;
        case 'chartTableId':
          domId = 'table-' + attrId;
        case 'progressBarId':
          domId = attrId + '-pb';
      // TODO: DOM id pool. Ideally id shouldn't be repeated
      return domId;

     * Finds the intersection elements between two arrays in a simple fashion.
     * Should have O(n) operations, where n is n = MIN(a.length, b.length)
     * @param {array} a First array, must already be sorted
     * @param {array} b Second array, must already be sorted
     * @return {array} The interaction elements between a and b
    content.intersection = function(a, b) {
      var result = [];
      var i = 0;
      var j = 0;
      var aL = a.length;
      var bL = b.length;
      while (i < aL && j < bL) {
        if (a[i] < b[j]) {
        } else if (a[i] > b[j]) {
        } else {

      return result;

     * Returns a copy of the array with values from array that are not present in the other array.
     * @param {array} a Array, must already be sorted
     * @param {array} b The other array, must already be sorted
     * @return {array} The difference values
    content.difference = function(a, b) {
      var result = [];
      var i = 0;
      var j = 0;
      var aL = a.length;
      var bL = b.length;
      while (i < aL && j < bL) {
        if (a[i] < b[j]) {
        } else if (a[i] > b[j]) {
        } else {

      return result;

    content.compare = function(arr1, arr2) {
      return JSON.stringify(arr1) === JSON.stringify(arr2);

    content.getClinicalAttrTooltipContent = function(attribute) {
      var string = [];
      if (attribute.display_name) {
        string.push('<b>' + attribute.display_name + '</b>');
      if (attribute.description) {
      return string.join('<br/>');

    content.getCaseIdsGroupByCategories = function(groupType, dcDimension, attrId) {
      var _cases = [];
      var _caseIds = {};

      if (!groupType || !dcDimension) {
        return _caseIds;

      _cases = dcDimension.top(Infinity);

      for (var i = 0; i < _cases.length; i++) {
        var _key = _cases[i][attrId];

        if (!_caseIds.hasOwnProperty(_key)) {
          _caseIds[_key] = [];
        var _groupKey = groupType === 'patient' ? 'patient_uid' : 'sample_uid';

      return _caseIds;

    content.getAttrVal = function(attrs, arr) {
      var str = [];
      _.each(attrs, function(displayName, attrId) {
        if (attrId === 'cna_details' || attrId === 'mutated_genes') {
          var temp = 'No';
          if (arr[attrId] !== undefined) {
            temp = arr[attrId].length > 0 ? 'Yes' : 'No';
        } else {
          str.push(arr[attrId] ? arr[attrId] : 'NA');
      return str;

     * If input is na, NA, NaN, n/a, null or undefined, return true
     * Else, return false.
     * @param str
     * @param includeEmptyStr Whether empty string should be treated as NA
     * @returns {boolean}
    content.strIsNa = function(str, includeEmptyStr) {
      var status = false;
      includeEmptyStr = _.isBoolean(includeEmptyStr) ? includeEmptyStr : false;
      if (_.isString(str)) {
        if (['na', 'nan', 'n/a'].indexOf(str.toLowerCase()) > -1 ||
          (includeEmptyStr && !str)) {
          status = true;
      } else if (typeof str === 'undefined' || str === null) {
        status = true;
      return status;

    content.getTickFormat = function(v, logScale, data_, opts_) {
      var _returnValue = v;
      var index = 0;
      var e = d3.format('.1e');// convert small data to scientific notation format
      var formattedValue = '';

      if (data_.noGrouping) {
        if (v === opts_.emptyMappingVal) {
          _returnValue = 'NA';
        } else {
          // When noGrouping is true, the number of unique data points is less than 6.
          // The distance maybe big between points, so we use xFakeDomain to set ticks.
          // The value of ticks shown on chart is gotten from xDomain.
          if (data_.smallDataFlag) {
            _returnValue = e(opts_.xDomain[opts_.xFakeDomain.indexOf(v)]);
          } else {
            _returnValue = opts_.xDomain[opts_.xFakeDomain.indexOf(v)];
      } else if (logScale) {
        if (v === opts_.emptyMappingVal) {
          _returnValue = 'NA';
        } else {
          index = opts_.xDomain.indexOf(v);
          if (index % 2 !== 0) {
            _returnValue = '';
      } else if (v === opts_.emptyMappingVal || opts_.xDomain.length === 1) {
        return 'NA';
      } else if (v === opts_.xDomain[0]) {
        formattedValue = opts_.xDomain[1];
        if (data_.smallDataFlag) {
          return '<=' + e(formattedValue);
        return '<=' + formattedValue;
      } else if ((v === opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 2] && data_.hasNA) ||
        (v === opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 1] && !data_.hasNA)) {
        if (data_.hasNA) {
          formattedValue = opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 3];
        } else {
          formattedValue = opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 2];
        if (data_.smallDataFlag) {
          return '>' + e(formattedValue);
        return '>' + formattedValue;
      } else if (data_.min > 1500 &&
        opts_.xDomain.length > 7) {
        // this is the special case for printing out year
        index = opts_.xDomain.indexOf(v);
        if (index % 2 === 0) {
          _returnValue = v;
        } else {
          _returnValue = '';
      } else {
        _returnValue = v;

      if (data_.smallDataFlag && !data_.noGrouping) {
        _returnValue = e(_returnValue);
        var _tempValue = e(v).toString();
        if (_tempValue.charAt(0) !== '1') {// hide tick values whose format is not 1.0e-N
          _returnValue = '';
      return _returnValue;

    content.defaultQtipConfig = function(content) {
      var configuration = {
        style: {
          classes: 'qtip-light qtip-rounded qtip-shadow'
        show: {event: 'mouseover', ready: false},
        hide: {fixed: true, delay: 200, event: 'mouseleave'},
        position: {
          my: 'bottom center',
          at: 'top center',
          viewport: $(window)
        content: content

      return configuration;

    content.getDataErrorMessage = function(type) {
      var message = 'Failed to load data';
      switch (type) {
      case 'dataInvalid':
        message = 'Data Invalid' + (iViz.opts.emailContact ?
          ('<span v-if="emailContact">' +
            ', please contact <span v-html="emailContact"></span></span>') : '');
      case 'noData':
        message = 'No data available';
      case 'failedToLoadData':
        message = 'Failed to load data, refresh the page may help';
      return message;

    content.getHypotenuse = function(a, b) {
      return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2));

    content.isAgeClinicalAttr = function(attrId) {
      var isRelated = false;
      if (attrId) {
        var result = attrId.match(/(^AGE$)|(^AGE_.*)|(.*_AGE_.*)|(.*_AGE&)/);
        isRelated = _.isArray(result) && result.length > 0;
      return isRelated;

     * @param filters Array Filters should contain two elements
    content.getDisplayBarChartBreadCrumb = function(filters) {
      var str = '';
      if (filters[0] && filters[1]) {
        str = filters[0] + ' ~ ' + filters[1];
      } else if (filters[0]) {
        str = filters[0];
      } else if (filters[1]) {
        str = filters[1];
      return str;

    return content;
})(window._, window.cbio);

window.iViz.util = util;

// Expose the module.
window.module = window.module || {};

// export util.getTickFormat for testing
module.exports = {
  getTickFormat: util.getTickFormat