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# node-scholarcheck
**Deprecated** - Scholarcheck no longer exists. 

Node API wrapper for []( This module requires a ScholarCheck API Token to function.

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## Documentation

### Setup
var ScholarCheck = require('scholarcheck');
var scholarcheck = new ScholarCheck('API_TOKEN');

scholarcheck.valid('', function (err, valid) {
  console.log(valid); //true
scholarcheck.valid('', function (err, valid) {
  console.log(valid); //true
scholarcheck.institution('', function (err, institution) {
  console.log(institution);  //"Universidade do Porto"

### `ScholarCheck.valid(email, cb(err, valid))`
Returns the passed callback function with `err` as `null` if the query was sucessful, and a boolean representation of if `email` is a valid institutional email, or `err` as the returned error if the check was unsuccessful.

### `ScholarCheck.institution(email, cb(err, institution))`
Returns the passed callback function with `err` as `null` if the query was sucessful, and a string containing the name of the institution as `institution`, or `err` as the returned error if the check was unsuccessful.

### `ScholarCheck.rawData(email, cb(err, data))`
Returns the passed callback function with `err` as `null` if the query was sucessful, and an object containing the properties `valid` as a boolean, and `institutionName` as a string, or `err` as the returned error if the check was unsuccessful.