* @module accessors
import flatten from '../array/flatten'
* Creates a new object containing only the properties of `object` that are specified in `keys`.
* @param object The base object that properties will be picked from
* @param keys The keys to pick
* @example
* ```typescript
* const original = { foo: 'hello', bar: 'world', baz: false, something: [1, 2, 3] }
* const picked = pick(original, 'foo', 'something')
* console.log(picked) // { foo: 'hello', something: [1, 2, 3] }
* console.log(Object.keys(picked)) // ['foo', 'something']
* ```
export default function pick<T extends Record<string, any>, U extends keyof T>(
object: T,
...keys: U[]
): Pick<T, U>
export default function pick<T extends Record<string, any>, U extends keyof T>(
object: T,
keys: U[],
): Pick<T, U>
export default function pick<T extends Record<string, any>, U extends keyof T>(
object: T,
...keys: U[] | [U[]]
): Pick<T, U> {
const resolvedKeys = flatten(keys)
const output = resolvedKeys.reduce(
(output, key) => {
output[key] = object[key]
return output
{} as T,
return output as Pick<T, U>