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<div id="footer">
  <div class="container">
    <div id="footer_cols">
      <div class="footer_a">
        <%= image_tag 'f_call.png' %>
          Have you ever had a difficult time to organize your local meetup?
          <b>Call4paperz</b> tries to help with event organization, call for papers,
          voting on speakers and collecting feedback from the participants, and
          schedule planning.
          We have now <%= users_number %> users to help with feedback!
      <div class="footer_a">
        <%= image_tag 'f_map.png' %>
          <%= link_to "Home", root_path %><br/>
          <%= image_tag 'f_linha.png' %>

          <%= link_to "Events", events_path %><br/>
          <%= image_tag 'f_linha.png' %>

          <% unless user_signed_in? %>
            <%= link_to "Registration", new_user_registration_path %><br/>
            <%= image_tag 'f_linha.png' %>
          <% end %>
      <div class="footer_a">
        <%= image_tag 'f_about.png' %>
          Call4paperz was designed, developed and deployed in 48 hours by @anderson_leite, @qmx and @vinibaggio at Rails Rumble 2010.<br />
          It's maintained by @lucianosousa and @tauil since mid 2015. Previously by @ricardovaleriano.
          We are open source. If you have any ideas or bugs, please
          visit our <a href='' target='_blank'>GitHub repo</a>. Pull requests and issues are welcome!
          If you have any suggestions or questions about <b>Call4Paperz</b>, send us
          a tweet (<strong><a href='' target='_blank'>@call4paperz</a></strong>).

<div id="copyright">
  <p>Copyright © 2010 &mdash; <%= %>. Powered by <strong>acts_as_monkeys_on_steroids</strong>, Developed in <strong>Rails Rumble 2010</strong>.</p>

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>