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= Cal Raijin Taiko Website

{<img src="" alt="Build Status" />}[]
{<img src="" />}[]
{<img src="" />}[]
{<img src="" alt="Dependency Status" />}[]

This is the source code for Cal Raijin Taiko's new website,
Many many thanks to {Benjamin Ortiz}[] for doing much
of the design work!

== Dependencies:

* rvm[]

* npm[]

* Bower[]

* Git[]

* {Ruby 2.4}[]

* {Rails 5.0}[]

* ImageMagick[]

== Setup:

1. Fork[] this repository
   on the GitHub website, then clone your repository onto your computer:

      $ git clone[Your Github Account]/caltaiko.git

2. Go into the caltaiko repository

      $ cd caltaiko

3. Run the setup script and follow the prompts to install all required

      $ bin/env_setup

   This will also create the development database and seed it with random
   resources, including an admin account with username <tt>admin</tt> and
   password <tt>secret</tt>.

   If any problems arise, please visit the wiki[]
   to see if your problem is addressed.

== Integrate with AWS

1. Go to and create an Amazon AWS account.

2. Go to your {management
   console}[] and change the
   region to <b>US West (N. California)</b>

3. Go to the {S3 Management
   Console}[] and create a new

4. Go to the {IAM
   ManagementConsole}[] and
   create a new IAM user.

   When the success notification pops up, be sure to either download
   the security credentials or otherwise store them in a secure location.

5. Create the file <tt>config/aws_config.yml</tt> and fill it with the following:

          access_key_id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
          secret_access_key: AWS_SECRET_KEY_ID
          s3_host_name: ""
          bucket: YOUR_BUCKET_NAME

   Where <tt>AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID</tt> is the IAM user Access Key ID,
   <tt>AWS_SECRET_KEY_ID</tt> is the IAM user Secret Access Key, and
   <tt>YOUR_BUCKET_NAME</tt> is the name of the bucket you created.

Before your next Git commit, run git status to make sure the aws_config file is
not being included (it's listed in the gitignore so it shouldn't be, but make
ABSOLUTELY SURE!!!). This is extremely important, since if those access keys
wind up on GitHub, bad people can very easily use them to rack up a bill of
several thousand dollars on your AWS account.

== Enable emails to be sent through Gmail

Create the file <tt>/config/local_env.yml</tt> and fill it with the


where <tt></tt> is a Gmail address that you
have access to, and <tt></tt> is the domain. Most
likely this will be <tt></tt>, unless you are using a
Google Apps account.

== Upkeep:

To keep track of any changes made to the original repository, add
remote named upstream

   git remote add upstream

To sync any changes I make with your own repository, run the commands

   git fetch upstream
   git merge upstream/master

== Documentation
To generate the formatted Rdoc document, run the command

   rake doc:app

from the main directory. This will generate a directory

Open the file <tt>caltaiko/doc/app/index.html</tt> to view the
documentation on each of the pages, classes, modules, and methods of
the application.