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Test Coverage
= simple_form_for @member do |f|
      = f.error_notification

      %legend Required Details

            %span.prefix Name
            = f.input :name, placeholder: 'Full Name', label: false,
              autofocus: true

            %span.prefix Gen
            = f.input :gen, label: false

            %span.prefix Major
            = f.input :major, placeholder: 'Major', label: false

        = f.input :bio

      %legend Contact Information

        This information will be used only to help contact the member in the
        future. It will not be publicly available, and will only be viewable
        to logged in users of the site.

          %span.prefix Email
          = f.input :email, placeholder: 'Email Address', label: false

          %span.prefix Phone
          = f.input :phone, placeholder: 'Phone Number',
            input_html: { value: @member.format_phone }, label: false

        %legend Picture

        - if @member.avatar_file_name
          %small.img-text Current picture file: #{@member.avatar_file_name}
        - else
          %small.img-text This member currently has no associated picture.

            = f.input :avatar, label: false
            = f.input :delete_avatar, as: :boolean

        %legend Status
        %small.img-text Is this member currently active on the team?

            = f.input :current

      = f.button :submit, class: 'button small'
      = link_to 'Cancel', members_path, class: 'button small disabled'