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Test Coverage
  title = 'Contact Us | Cal Raijin Taiko'
  description = 'Contact Cal Raijin Taiko by email or online to book a' \
    ' performance or receive an estimate. We\'ll be sure to get back to' \
    ' you as soon as possible!'
  image = URI.join(root_url, image_path('logo.png'))

  meta title: title,
       description: description,
       og: { title: title, description: description, image: image,
             url: request.original_url }

  = image_tag('contact_page_banner.jpg')
      %h1.title Contact Us

    %h1.article-title Contact Us
              Thank you for reaching out to us! Please fill out and submit the
              contact form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
          = form_for @message, method: :post, url: contact_path do |f|

                  %span.prefix Name
                  = f.text_field :name, placeholder: 'Your Name'

                  %span.prefix Email
                  = f.email_field :email, placeholder: 'Your Email'

              = f.text_area :content, placeholder: 'Message'

                %span.left Is this a performance request?
                %input#message_performance_request{ type: 'checkbox',
                  name: 'message[performance_request]', checked: '' }
                %label{ for: 'message_performance_request' }
                  %span.switch-on Yes
                  %span.switch-off No
              %paper-button.send.btn.with-icon{ raised: '',
                onclick: 'submitForm("new_message")' }
                %iron-icon{ icon: 'send' }

          %h3.column.small-12 Find us on social media!
              = link_to '' do
              = link_to '' do
              = link_to '' do

        = image_tag('team_playing.jpg', class: 'team-pic')