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Test Coverage
  title = 'Collegiate Taiko | Cal Raijin Taiko'
  description = 'A brief history of collegiate taiko in the United States,'\
                ' with links to collegiate taiko groups across the country.'
  image = URI.join(root_url, image_path('logo.png'))

  meta title: title, description: description,
       og: { title: title, description: description, image: image,
             url: request.original_url }
    %h3 A History of Collegiate Taiko
      Though taiko drumming has existed in Japan for over a thousand years,
      taiko drumming in the U.S. is a much more recent phenomenon. It was only
      in 1968, with the founding of the
      **[San Francisco Taiko Dojo](** by Grandmaster
      **Seiichi Tanaka** that taiko began emerging in the United States. Since
      then, the artform has spread throughout the country, with hundreds of
      groups studying the way of taiko from coast to coast.

      It would be another 20 years before the very first collegiate taiko group
      was founded. In 1990, **Mark Honda** created
      **[Kyodo Taiko](** as part of the **University
      of California, Los Angeles'** Nikkei Student Union. In the years since,
      more and more groups have been started at colleges across the country.

      In 1995, **[Stanford Taiko](** hosted the very
      first **Intercollegiate Taiko Invitationals**, bringing together a host
      of collegiate groups for a weekend of performances and workshops with
      taiko professionals. Intercollegiate Taiko Invitationals has gone on to
      become an annual event, hosted by a different school each year.
    = image_tag('collegiate_collage.png', class: 'team-pic')

    %h3 Collegiate Taiko Groups
      %li= link_to 'Ahiru Daiko', ''
      %li= link_to 'Bakuhatsu Taiko Dan', ''
      %li= link_to 'CSUN Jishin Taiko', ''
      %li= link_to 'Jodaiko', ''
      %li= link_to 'Kyodo Taiko', ''
      %li= link_to 'Oberlin College Taiko', ''
      %li= link_to 'Yukai Daiko', ''
      %li= link_to 'Senryu Taiko', ''
      %li= link_to 'Asayake Taiko', ''
      %li= link_to 'USC Kazan Taiko', ''
      %li= link_to 'Yamatai', ''
      %li= link_to 'Stanford Taiko', ''